Thursday, October 8, 2020

Take a Step Back.
Let's just take a deep breath, take a step back, and just for a moment relax.  We've all been through something this past year.  I wrote earlier this month that if anyone was sitting back at the end of 2019 thinking or trying to get a look at what the upcoming year was going to be like, I don't think any of this would have appeared on the radar.  What I want to do today is simply get you to let go of what has happened, and instead reflect on the idea that through it all, we have stood strong.  Through this whole debacle of a year, and yes, I think it has affected everyone in one way or another, but through it all, we have had the opportunity to grow, to learn, and more importantly, to survive it all. 

Looking back can also be looking forward, as weird as that might sound.  When we reflect on things gone by, we also look forward to things that will be brought to us.  When we look at things that are meant for us we need to show gratitude.  In all things, being grateful is the key to having what we desire most.  Have you ever done something for someone and instead of them being thankful, they simply acted as if they were entitled to whatever it was they received.  There's a huge difference between being entitled to something, and really appreciating something.  I know that I am special, that I am one of a kind, a superhero in the universe.  These are not words of conceit, rather words of affirmation.  I am grateful that I am here in the present.  I am so honored to be a part of this time, sharing my gifts, my wisdom, my heart to others.  Because of how I view my existence I look at entitlement from an entirely different place.  By accepting my power, my strength, my uniqueness, I am saying that me being here is in the perfection of the Universe.  This does not come from a place of pride, but from a position of appreciation.  I so appreciate that I get to do what I do.  I so appreciate others, and what I get to present to them.  No matter what this world may be going through, you still have the opportunity to give to others.  No matter how warped the world has become, you still have the ability to change humanity.  Without regard to what you see or hear on a daily basis from those who have given up hope, you still have the opportunity to display grace and courage.  This my friends is taking a step back while still looking ahead.

We have to start appreciating what we have, who we are, and what we are.  When you take the time to be grateful for all of this, then you are able to navigate these trying times.  I'd like to say that everyday forward will be smooth sailing, but while we contend with all that is going on around us, we can't loose focus of our great abilities, our great presence in this world.  We have allowed others to cause us to second guess our perfection.  We have allowed situations to dampen our spirit.  This is something we have to fight against.  Think of it this way:  if you will hold fast to the knowledge of who you really are, you will never have to look back and wonder where all the joy went, the happiness, the love.  This world needs as much joy, happiness, and love that is possible.  You bring this to others.  You need to bring this to others.  Only when we operate out of love, walk in our joy and happiness, can we change the face of humanity.  Let's be real and realize that we are the catalyst for change in our world.

Here's my challenge to this this day:  take a step back and reflect on how much you have grown over the last few years.  Take a step back and realize the lives you have touched simply by giving of yourself and being your authentic self.  Take a step back and simply be grateful that you are alive in this moment.  We can change those things going on around us.  We can walk above the fray and gain victory in all that we desire.  The only one stopping you is you.  How you look at things, how you think and speak about things, all of this will produce what happens in the future.  We can allow doubt and fear to rule us, or we can create our perfect environment, void of the chaos that surrounds others.  

There's no doubt that each of us have been touched and effected by all that is happening today.  The effects have been mild to some, catastrophic to others.  No matter the effect, taking a simple moment to look back, will allow you to see things in a different light.  Remember ,not all things that appear to be disastrous, are there simply to get you to quit.  Growth and learning comes from these things, and often the growth and learning you need has to be thrust upon you.  Granted we would like to be free from disaster, but isn't growth and learning sometimes the gold at the end of the rainbow?  I have learned so much since the beginning of the year.  I have dug deep and have accepted the challenges.  One thing I haven't done, and won't do is second guess things.  My personal growth this year is a direct result of not giving up.  My growth and understanding  is also a by-product of standing up to what I sometimes fear, standing up to what is sometimes difficult to grasp.  Certainly doubt will try to enter into the equation, but in those moments I simply remind myself of who I am.  We are blessed creatures.  We are powerful.  Yes we need to continually remind ourselves of this truth, but in holding fast to these truths we can look back on the past and see the benefits of having gone through the things we have gone through.

Simply put, do not discount the situations you have gone through.  Do not fail to see the brilliance of what is happening.  You can look at things through the eyes of those who walk around defeated all the time, or you can choose to see things as they truly are.  The truth of the matter is that things are as they need to be, as they were designed to be,  and quite frankly destined to be.  I guess the simplest way fro me to put this is this way:  grasp your significance.  My dear friends we need to come together and in one voice state our convictions.  We must come together and stand our ground.  We must come together and bring awareness to the rest of humanity.  There are people crying out all around us, and we have the answers they need.  Share your visions, share your heart, share the very best part of you. When we share the light, darkness will leave.  I know this sounds incredibly useless, in light of all that is happening, but if we feel that we will have no effect, then we will have no effect.  I refuse to stand by and not share my light.  

So take a step back, take that deep breath we talked about, and prepare to throw yourself to the wolves.  It's not as scary as you might think.  Walk in your power, stand in your beauty, share from your heart.  We can change what is happening, but often that change begins with us.  Start by accepting all that you are.  It is time that we stand on the mountain top.  It is time to shine our light down on those who need it.  It is simply time that we begin to create the world we desire, and not feel as thought we have to accept what has been presented to us as the only option.  Take your rightful place, and see if you aren't able to change a few grimaces into smiles along the way. 


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