Sunday, April 26, 2020

Imagine that!
Everything that exist today began as a thought in someone's imagination.  What is a thought? When did the thought begin, and when does a thought end?  Can a thought really end?  Think about it.  If you are thinking about something, then you stop thinking about it, but then it comes back because you started thinking about it again.  Did it ever leave?  Did it ever end?  Was there a beginning?  I know I'm being a little cheeky this morning, but what I want to do today is get you to start believing in your imagination.  It is a sacred spot that only you have access to, and there's a very good reason for that.  Your imagination is the place where dreams come from.  It is a spot where everything is possible, and there is nothing that can stop imagination, accept your mind getting in the way, or some jerk who says your dreams are impossible.

Albert Einstein said this, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world."  Your imagination is a never ending cycle of what can be.  It is the magic of all possibilities, all dreams.  Your imagination is your strength, your power. It is your power to unleash untold mysteries for the rest of humanity to enjoy, to learn from, and to experience.  Why do you suppose you were created with such a powerful tool?  Why do you suppose you have all these ideas, these thoughts, that seem impossible, but yet they never seem to leave you alone?  Why in God's name do you think you always seem to dream big, think big?  There is no end to your imagination.  There is no limit to your imagination.  I love just sitting back an imagining all kinds of things.  I love imagining my next book.  I imagine the crowds at my seminars, at book signings.  I imagine television and radio appearances.  I can see it as clearly as the nose on my face.  These dreams, these thoughts, my imagination are as real to me as anything else in front of me.  When you can grasp your imagination, own it, believe in it, then you will have it.  It's as simple as that.

George Bernard Shaw had this to say about imagination, "Imagination is the beginning of creation.  You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last you create what you will." If you never had fear of failure, if you knew you could not fail, what would you grab from your imagination to do?  I mean think about it, if you could not fail, what would you want to be doing right now?  I will be honest and tell you that there is a never ending list of things that go through my thoughts every single day, and those thoughts or imaginations are things that I know I need to do.  Here's the great thing, they also happen to be things that I love doing.  Kind of uncanny that what you imagine, what you desire, all seem to be things that you would love to be doing.  Ironic? I think not.

I can't help but smile when my imagination runs wild.  I mean how much better could life get if all of a sudden you were smack dap in the middle of your dreams?  I hate to sound cliche, but if you can think it, dream it, imagine it, you can have it.  It really is that simple.  The only reason that this simplicity gets complicated is because we allow others, and sometimes ourselves to get in the way of our dreams and imagination.  Your imagination needs to be kept locked up until such time as you are ready to unleash it for the world to see.  Too many people are walking around who would like nothing more than to stifle your thoughts, your dreams, your imaginations.  If you hold things close to the vest, you will not have to worry about someone trying to negate something before it begins.

Let's try an experiment.  For the moment try to stop thinking about your imagination.  What happens?  Chances are you start imagining all kinds of things.  Your imagination never stops.  When you're imagining things are you feeling happy or sad?  It's almost impossible to imagine things and not feel an almost instant joy in you.  People don't spend a lot of time, or shouldn't spend any time imagining doom and gloom.  Imagination should inspire you, it should put a smile on your face, it should put a skip in your step.  Imagination is freeing.  Why do you think your imagination is unlimited?  It's unlimited because you are unlimited.  There is no end to the power you have to do great things.  We are only as limited as we force our imagination to be limited.  I may be sounding like a broken record, but you have to let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs, and just let things happen.

If you are going through a challenging time why not imagine times without challenges.  Now the average person is incapable of simply not responding to negativity.  But just imagine being able to overcome all obstacles in your life with images of you doing, or being, those things you have imagined in the past.  Once you latch on to those things in your imagination amazingly those obstacles, those challenges that you were thinking about, simply vanish in mid air.  That's the power of your imagination, and that is why you have been equipped with your imagination.  There is no one, and there has never been anyone who was alive, who was not equipped with an imagination.  Now some choose to simply ignore the thoughts and dreams they have.  Many people can't believe that they can have what they desire.  These people will never have to worry about getting what they want because they can't believe they can have what they want.  Do you want to be one of these people?  Probably not.  Start enjoying your imagination.  Start walking with your imagination.  Know your imagination, and become one with it.

There is a reason you think the thoughts you think.  There is a reason we dream, we imagine.  Were it not for the imaginations of those before us, we would not be enjoying many of the things we enjoy today.  Those things you imagine today will be the things that others enjoy in the future.  Do you want to be the person who tells someone else they can't enjoy something down the road?  When you find yourself stressed out, slip into your imagination.  When you find yourself stuck in the ditch of uncertainty, slip into your imagination.  When you simply need reassurance that all things will work out, go right to your imagination.  If you just need to escape reality for a moment, go straight to your imagination.  It will turn the darkest moment into sunlight.  It is time to unleash the power within, and when you do, great things will come of it.  Just imagine it.

Allow me to leave you with this last thought.  Our entire existence, this vast, ever expanding universe was begun with a single thought.  The power in that thought is no different than the power you have with your thoughts.  If you can touch anything with your mind, you can bring it forth for others to touch.  The time has come for each of us to unleash the power of thought, the greatness of our imagination.  When we walk in this, we become what we think, what we dream, what we imagine.  Ask I can say is, Imagine that!

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