Sunday, March 1, 2020

Ever been told you're full of hot air?
I'm not quite sure where the phrase "you're just full of hot air." comes from.  I personally think that someone was probably not in agreement with what someone was talking about and just decided to make it personal.  I think we have all been guilty at one time or another of saying something that wasn't quite right, or wished we could take back, but thank god we were shown grace and mercy for our slip of the tongue.  Being full of hot air to me signifies someone who is full of themselves.  When you walk around thinking you are the best thing since sliced bread or super crunchy peanut butter, it is then that you become the one filled with hot air.  Ego is one of the greatest setbacks to walking a spiritual life.  Ego is not interested in your destiny.  Ego is not interested in your heart.  Ego only cares about surface issues, and if you think your ego is a true friend to you, you have another thing coming.

What I'd like to share today is my belief that all people have a worth.  I believe that all people have a destiny.  I also believe that everyone, if they are being truthful, desires to know what is really important in life, and what they need to do to walk in their passion.  The person who only sees the physical, the surface stuff, is the person who quite frankly is the one full of hot air.  I don't say these things to be mean or spiteful, I say these things as an encouragement of what to shy away from.  We've all been around those people who act as though they are all that.  You know, those who walk around with their nose up in the air.  Sooner or later we are going to have to acknowledge that we are all just flesh creatures who happen to occupy a flesh body.  This body will eventually turn to dust, but our true essence will last for an eternity.  It is when you can  recognize your true self that you begin to realize that walking around trying to be top dog really has no value whatsoever.

One of the things I've come to realize as of late is that my desires are centered on being my highest self.  I'm not motivated to live in the biggest house, or drive the fanciest car.  As far as I'm concerned I simply want to be the best me I can be so I can help others be the best they can be.  Whether I leave a Hundred Million Dollar Estate, or just a knowing that I was a friend to many means the same to me.  I'm not motivated by having more then someone else.  I'm not motivated to sell a million books.  Certainly selling books means I'm getting my story of destiny out to the world, but if only one person changes from what I have written, then all the hours spent at my keyboard will have been worth it.  I was thinking back to the time when I started writing this blog.  It's been about 8 or 9 years, maybe 10, I've really have not tracked it to be honest.  What I've attempted to do is simply provide my insight into what it means to discover and walk in your destiny.  I've never thought of myself as the Master of Destiny.  To be quite honest, I'm never sure what I'm going to write about until I sit down to write, and even then, I have to go back and read each blog the day after.  I am truly blessed to have been given this gift, and this opportunity to write each week.  I look at what I do, and I am truly honored that I have been given this task.  What I want each of you to do is find your place of honor, and do what you were created to do.  Life changes when you remove ego from the equation and simply follow your heart, and your passion.

I will promise you this:  when you begin to walk in your passion, you will soon forget the ego, and you will be anything but full of hot air.  Can you even imagine a world that is free from ego?  I mean really, a place where truth and joy, faith and happiness, love and peace are what govern our lives, it would be magical.  Is this possible?  I believe it is, but the key is that you believe it for yourself.  If you can't walk in truth, in joy, in faith, and in happiness, then what's the purpose of living?  Your purpose is why you are here.  I will bet you that those who are really filled with hot air, haven't the foggiest notion of what life is really all about.  I will lay you odds that the person who is filled with hot air couldn't hit the center target of love and peace, if their life depended on it.

Growing up there was a song about looking for love in all the wrong places.  What about people that are looking for success in all the wrong places?  There is nothing wrong with success.  I like being successful, but my success is not measured by the things I acquire.  My success is not based on where my books might end up on the New York Times Best Seller list.  My success is nothing more than being the best me I can be in order to help others be the best they can be.  People who bloviate about how great they are have missed the mark completely.  People who have to tear others down so they can feel superior have missed the mark.  People who measure their success against other people's success have also missed the mark.  Hot air is hot air.  Bloviating is bloviating.  Measuring yourself against anyone else is simply a waste of time, and it is really just filling yourself up with hot, hot air.  A hot air ballon will go up in the sky once it has sufficient hot air in it, but you can bet your bottom dollar that eventually it is going to come down back to earth.  If someone is filled with hot air, it isn't an issue if they will come back to earth, it is really about when they will.

I'm not quite sure why I took this path today, but I know that someone somewhere needed to see this and read it.  I hope that as you pursue your passions you will learn what is important and what isn't important.  In the end hot air is going to cool down and many will be left deflated and not knowing what to do.  If you will focus on the real you, on what is truly important, and will follow your heart, I promise you that you will never fall back to earth in a gnarled mass.  There is so much more to life than simply acquiring things.  Life is journey of discovery.  I encourage you to discover what is important, what is purposeful, what is at the center of your being, and pursue it like you've never pursued anything before.  In the end those who are simply filled with hot air will discover that nothing they can do is going to prevent the inevitable fall to earth.  Do yourself a favor and keep your feet on the ground, and know that being the real you will show others just what can be accomplished as you reach your destiny.

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