Sunday, March 8, 2020

The calm after the storm.
We've all gone through storms in life.  Whether it's Mercury in retrograde, or full moon madness, or simply Friday the 13th, there are times and days when the storm seems to want to overtake us, yet we survive.  How do I know that you have survived the storms of life?  Easy, you're reading this.  What I want to focus on today is the simple fact that each of you have within you, all the ability to survive any storm in life.  Now it may not always seem like it while you're  in the midst of a trying period, but rest assured you will come out of it.  So many times in life we are told all that we can't do, so today I want to tell you about all that you can do.  Maybe this week's blog won't change your life, but I bet it will make it a little more tolerable when you face the many challenges that could come your way.  So get a cup of coffee, or tea, and simply rest in these words, and know the power you have within to combat all things.

I'm sure all of you will agree with me when I say that there is always a calm after the storm.  Face it, storms don't last forever, and if actual storms did laster forever, well then, we're all screwed.  Storms come and go, but how you handle them, well that's the conundrum.  Now you could bury your head in the sand and simply refuse to acknowledge the existence of storms in life, but what would you learn if you did that, and what would it get you?  Storms, trials, failures, all teach us valuable lessons.  We may not want to hear that, we certainly don't desire to go through them, but learning will happen.

Now I'm about to say something that some may not want to hear, but it has to be said, and you need to listen.  Truth be told we create many of the storms we deal with.  Now it's not always intentional, but we let it happen.  Storms have a way of waking up our senses, and when it's all said and done, that may not be a bad thing.  Each time we navigate a storm in life we grow.  Just for a moment think back five or so years.  My guess is that each of you are in a very different place, and quite sure that there were a few storms that occupied your life during this period.  You faced your storms, you grew, and now look at you.  Certainly there are scars from time to time, but battle scars simply mean you have something to show for your victory.

We can focus on storms, or we can focus on the growth that each storm brings.  We can focus on what we perceive we are lacking, or on what we have to be grateful for.  Life is all about making choices, and you have to decide what choices to make.  If you choose to accept challenges as opportunities, then you will definitely enjoy the calm after the storm.  If on the other hand you simply refuse to learn from things, then you are going to find yourself in a constant state of storminess, and quite frankly that would suck.  I would love to say that I have never had a storm in my life.  I have struggles just like every one.  What I won't do is give up on my passions, my dreams, my desires.  What I won't do is blame others for what I am going through, or what I may have gone through.  I have to own my life, because I have created my life.  If you always see yourself as the victim, you're always going to be a victim.  If you see yourself as a creator, well then, life starts getting to be a real adventure and a whole lot of fun.

Will there ever be a time when there are no storms in life?  Nope, but then again, that also means that there will always be a period of calm.  I love my moments of calm.  I love my moments of knowing that I am in the right place, at the right time, doing what I was created to do.  You see, walking in the calm after the storm, is walking in a knowledge that you are who you are.  Calm is knowing the perfection of your design, and the perfection of your destiny.  Calm is accepting all that you are, and nothing about what you are not.  Calm is experiencing joy, happiness, peace, and love, and sharing it all with others.  If you will begin to focus on all that happens in the calm, then soon, there will be much less storminess.  If on the other hand you focus only on storms, well life is going to be a complete "Shite" show.

To walk in calmness is to walk in the knowledge that you are unique.  To walk in calmness is to walk in the knowledge that you are special and gifted.  We all have talents and those talents were placed in you so you can accomplish went you were sent to accomplish.  Be joyful and accept the fact that you are equipped with all you will need to walk this journey called life.  I experience total calmness each time I sit here to write.  Look for opportunities to do those things you love most.  Your passions are your stepping stones to calmness.  When you are enjoying the company of friends, the thrill of trying something new, are you focused on any storm?  What we focus on will be manifested in our life.  This being a true statement, what does that tell you?  Focus on the good, the fun, the love, peace, joy.  Focus on all that is good.  Light brings more light, and love brings more love.

There is a calm after each storm, and the key is to stay in the calmness, focus on the calmness, and most assuredly, enjoy the calmness.  Life can be tricky, there's no doubt about it, but there will be times when you have to choose.  My advice is choose wisely.  I've always said that there is good and bad, why not stay in the good?  You can either focus on the storm, or focus on the calm, which one is the better choice?  I leave it up to you, but I encourage you to choose the calm, and watch as things smooth out, and then it's smooth sailing.  Love and light to each of you.  

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