Sunday, February 2, 2020

Step into your freedom.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  Stepping out into your freedom begins with your willingness to be free.  I guess that raises the question, what is freedom, and what does my freedom look like?  To many that have been trapped in the expectations of others, they might not know what freedom looks like.  To the many people who have never taken a step to walk in freedom, freedom to be who you were always intended to be, this is your day.

I know I sound like a broken record each time I reiterate that you were never meant to simply exist.  You were never intended to be trapped in the confines of what others have said you can either do or not do.  Walking in your freedom will allow you to soar with the eagles. Walking in your freedom will ensure that you discover your True Destiny, and that you bring to the rest of humanity the greatness that resides inside of you.  So many people have been saddled with thoughts of limit.  People have been told for generations what is right, or what is wrong, what you can, and what you can't do.  When you are subject to the expectations of others, you are anything but free.  If you are ever going to be truly free to walk about in your greatness, with your divinity, then you are going to have to break the shackles of expectations, and walk free.  For many it may be the first time you have given thought to freedom.  For others, it may be something you have struggled with for years, and years.  Either way, today is the day that you break loose, and finally begin to walk in your freedom.

Some might ask, what does freedom look like?  Freedom is when you are able to do what you have always wanted to do, but because of what others think, you have never taken a chance.  Freedom is knowing that no matter what might be in front of you, you are going to be the person you know you need to be.  Freedom is never accepting the limiting thoughts that others have forced down your throat, and that many have come to accept as the norm.  My dear, dear friends, we have so bound ourselves up in the chains of expectations, that we have never taken our first steps into absolute freedom.  Let's be honest, this has to change.  There are so many things that I want to accomplish, and if I am going to get to each of these things that I want to do, I can not be trapped by the words of others, who quite frankly have never experienced true freedom.

We have all been held captive in one way or another most of our lives.  There are groups of people who have literally been held captive.  Ask these people what life was like without any freedoms at all.  When one is held in captivity, by force, or even by our own choices, there is often a feeling of hopelessness.  Each day in captivity is another day of fear, a day of loss, a day of sadness.  When one is trapped in a cycle of captivity, there descends upon them a cloud of darkness, when what they really need is a light to show them the right path to take.  I have been held captive many times in my life.  Getting out of this trap was difficult, but there is a way out, and if you will change the way you see yourself, you will never be held again, and then, you will be free for evermore.

There will come a time when you are going to have to finally decide how you see the real you, or if you are going to ever accept the real you.  The real you is divine.  The real you is a creator, responsible for creating the life of your dreams.  If I had the ability to simply flip a switch and each of you would fully walk in your divinity I would certainly do that.  If I could take away all the restrictions that you have subjected yourself with, I would do that.  If I could simply love you to a point where you knew without a doubt that you are something special, I would do that.  Oh, I love each of you, but sometimes people can't see the forest because of the trees.  There comes a time when one will have to decide:  do I stay where I'm at, or do I finally walk in the freedom that I was always intended to walk in?

Stepping into your freedom begins with accepting certain truths.  Unfortunately, many of these truths have been denied by many, many people.  These denials are a by product of the conditioning you have been subjected to most of your life.  You are so much more than just a flesh and blood body.  You are a spiritual being first and foremost.  You are a creator.  You are an infinite being, one who has no end.  These simple truths, or facts, once accepted, will ensure that you never ever spend a single moment in captivity again.  I don't know how many times I have been catapulted back into captivity because I could not walk in my uniqueness.  How many times have you been trapped in periods of uncertainty because you forgot who and what you really are?  I'm here to tell you that freedom is yours if you will accept the greatness of your being, the perfection of your design, and the truth of your existence.

There should never be a time when you forget who you are.  There should not be a moment in your life when you doubt the true beauty of your being.  There will come a time when you finally decide that you will be the real you, and not the you that everyone else has demanded you be.  Freedom is yours.  Freedom is forever.  Freedom is for right now.  Step into your freedom, and breaks all the limiting beliefs that have held you captive.  I know what captivity is like, and I have felt the euphoria of walking in freedom.  I assure you that freedom is what you should choose, and freedom is what you deserve.  Walk free my friends, and teach others the importance of walking free from the expectations of others.  Your life will change when you finally accept this freedom, and once you do, oh how grand life will be for you.  Sending you love and light.

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