Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let it go.
We as humans tend to hold on to things much longer than we should.  We've been taught that we need to learn from past experiences, and as true as that may be, we don't have to hold on to certain things that no longer serve us.  Many people hold on to past hurts as a way of mitigating future hurts.  People like to hold on to traditions, and I have my share of those, but why not incorporate those traditions into new ones?  The purpose of today's blog is to get you to walk free from expectations, untie the binds that keep you bound, and finally let go of all those things that have done nothing to get you to your destiny.

There are far too many times in life that we hold on to things that just don't add up to a hill of beans.  When we hold on to anger, justified or not, we only hurt ourselves.  When you focus on the anger, you are taking your eyes off of the real reasons things are going on.  When we can't let go of worry, we are stopping what is best from coming into being.  As the picture says when we hold on to distractions, we are doing nothing to keep our feet on the path to all of our hopes and dreams.  Letting go of all that no longer serves you is the only way to be free.  It is the only way to your destiny, and it is the only way you are ever going to experience real love, real peace, real joy, and true enlightenment.

Entering into any new phase of life is not always smooth sailing.  The torrent of past hurts, past failures, past hopes and dreams, seems to always be popping up for us to look at.  As we grow in our own understanding of who and what we are, we will face challenges.  Those challenges are simply having to let go of things that have happened, when many want to hold on to them.  I will say that this is one tough thing to get through, but getting through is really the only option you have if you truly desire to move forward in those things you desire most.

All my life, and I've said this before many times, I've had to fight the feeling of not being worthy.  Not worthy of love, not worthy of abundance, not worthy of success.  I really can't pinpoint when or why I began struggling with this, but it has caused many nights of worry, countless days of depression, and endless hours of tears.  It seems like whenever you start believing for all the good, that thoughts of all that is bad creep back into your mind.  Because of this, it becomes so, so important to step back and remind yourself of your perfection.  You are here for a purpose, and you are divine.  As I write this today I am experiencing waves of compassion, knowing that others are going through the very same things, and how I desire to help them escape these pitfalls.  Life, your life, my life, was never meant to be an experiment in survival.  Our lives were never designed just to see how much we can take, and hopefully in the end, end up on the positive side of the ledger.  My dear loved ones, we were meant to create a paradise to live in.  We were not designed to suffer lack, or sickness, or depression, or any other of the myriad of things that keep us down.

When you let go of the hopes for tomorrow, you let go of any hope for being the real you.  When you constantly hold on to the defeats, hurts, and stumbles of the past, you are simply inviting the same to keep going in the present.  No one longs for defeat.  No one, at least no sane person, gets up in the morning asking for failure, seeking hurt, or desiring lack.  We continually experience these things because we have not found a way to let go of these things.  Letting go has to be your focus, and I will readily admit, that has been my struggle.  Only now, after years and years of holding on to things, have I turned the corner, and began to realize who and what I am.  In accepting your divinity, in walking in the knowledge that "I am what I am", you will begin to let go of all those things that have hindered you in the past, and begin to walk on a path that has always had your name written on it.

It is time to let go of things.  It is time to accept your birthright.  It is time, quite frankly, to kick a little ass, and no longer feel as though you don't have rights and privileges.  You as a created being need to understand the significance of your being.  You as a created being, need to accept your ability to create all of your realities.  You as a created being need to be creating.  I've allowed my past to dictate my future for far too long, and many, many others have done the same thing.  Let go of the past.  Let go of the fear.  Let go of the anxiety.  Simply let go of all that does not serve your higher good.

Allow me to end with this final thought.  Most everyone has heard the saying, "Let go, and let God".  We get in our own way far too often.  When you can let go of the past, you are allowing yourself to walk into your tomorrows.  When you let go of the past, you free yourself to have all that you were intended to have.  Believe it or not, I needed to hear what I'm writing about this morning.  I am confident that there are others out there who need to hear this today.  It is my heartfelt desire that each of you take your rightful place.  It is my intention to help others discover the significance of who they are, what they are, and why they are here.  Set the intention that you are going to let go of the past, and only focus on what is truly important.  I send each of you love and light, and I know that each of you are going to take a step forward, never to worry again about those things that are behind you.

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