Sunday, February 16, 2020

One step forward, but two steps back. It's still a good thing.
Picture it, you've finally made the decision to move forward on your life's quest, and bam, you get knocked back a few steps.  Fear sets in, doubt abounds, and you wonder why in the world did you even think you could do this crazy thing.  Sound familiar?  Hey it happens.  It's happened to me, it might even have happened to you.  There's bound to be someone you know who this has happened to.  The key is not to focus on the two steps back, but rather rest in the fact that you at least took the first step.

The absolute key is to "REST" in the fact that you decided to move ahead with your dreams.  No one ever said that life was going to be free of obstacles.  No one implied that everything was always going to be a bowl of cherries.  The true definition of an overcomer is one who won't quit even in the face of failure.  I've failed more times than I'd like to admit, but I'm still standing, and if you're reading this, then you're standing as well.  Today, I want you to simply rest, and know that all of your steps have been ordained, and you are on the right path.  It matters not whether you have failed in the past, whether you have taken a few steps back, but rather you have made the decision that you are going to continue to move forward and never stop going after those things that are in your heart to do.

I've questioned many of the choices I've made in life.  I've been asked many times if there is anything I would change.  The honest answer is no.  Everything I've gone through, everything I've experienced, has gotten me to the point in life where I am at right now, and this is the moment I was always intended to be.  I've learned some valuable lessons during my journeys.  Some lessons have been hard to handle, while others have been an absolute joy.  No matter the outcome of any of our endeavors, there is a lesson to be learned, and once you have learned that lesson, you can move on to the next phase of your journey.  Here's the problem that most people have:  they quit too soon.  At the first sign of trouble, they high tail it out of there, and simply quit.  Quitting is never an option, not if you want to realize your dreams.  It's easy to tell someone to not stop, after all, you're not the one going through the trials.  But trust me, stopping is not the answer, and if you will simply continue to take those baby steps forward, eventually you are going to get to the place of absolute joy and happiness.

Let's for a moment take a step back.  Think back a few years, and look at you now.  My guess is you are in a far different place then you were back then.  You have grown, matured, and in so many cases turned the corner.  Certainly there will be times when you may feel you are simply treading water, waiting for all hell to break loose.  But it is those times of stagnation that many lessons are learned.  Let's be honest, if you hadn't gone through the fire, how will you ever appreciate the beauty of your life right now?  We tend to focus on the two steps we have fallen back with, and not on the fact that at least you took the first step.  You are so more advanced in the things of life then you might be giving yourself credit for.  Once again, just look at where you are at, verses where you were.  Life is a journey of discovery, and there is no one who has not discovered something about themselves along the journey of life.  Now you might not always like what you have learned about yourself, but let's face it, you stilled learned.

We all desire that break through.  We're all looking for that period of rest.  Not everyone is going to find it at the same time, but if you will not give up you will find it.  I've been struggling with a few things as of late, and just now have I finally figured out that I have always had what I was looking for.  I just needed to accept a few things, and poof, there it was.  I will say that no matter what you might be experiencing, things are going to work out.  No matter what you might be thinking, things will begin to clarify.  Set the intention that no matter what you might think you see on the horizon, what is actually going to happen is what was meant to happen.  If you will cut yourself free from the cords of expectation, and instead focus on the real you, I promise you things will change.  Your journey forward is just that, a journey forward.  Texas has some crazy highways, and often to get somewhere you need to make u-turns.  These u-turns were designed specifically to get you to your destination without having to worry about others around you.  If you have ever driven down here, you'll know what I'm talking about.  Anyway, don't worry about a u-turn in your life.  Yea you might think that you're loosing ground, but in actuality you are exactly where you need to be, and you are in fact taking the easiest route to your destination.

Here's the bottom line, take that first step.  If you will take that leap of faith, then the faith that motivated you in the first place, will be the faith that will move you forward, even in the face of a set back.  Allow faith to guide you.  Allow faith to inspire you.  Allow faith to shape you and mold you.  I fully understand that there are times when fear will stop you in your tracks.  I hate being in a darkened room not knowing what is lurking around the corner.  What I try to do is bring the light into any situation, and we all know that light overcomes the darkness 100 percent of the time.  If you will allow life's light to be your guide, you will always have a clear path to your destiny.  Open your heart, clear your mind, and know that one step forward is always going to be better then no step at all.   You have all that you need to step into the greatness of your existence.  Take the first step my dear friends, and watch as life begins to explode with all the possibilities you have always thought about.

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