Sunday, January 5, 2020

The real you, the real me, the real us?
Who are you?  Who am I? Who are we?  That's a question that we've been asked many times in our lives, but the honest answer just might surprise you.  Let me start out by telling you what you aren't.  You aren't your processions.  You aren't your accomplishments.  You not even your own flesh and blood.  What you are is spirit, and the reason this is so significant is that your spirit is the only thing in you that is changeless.  That's right, your spirit is changeless, while everything else in your life is a product of change.  Why is this so important to realize?  It's important because if you are unable to recognize the real you, then you are going to fall for everything that comes down the pike that is used to describe who you are, good, bad, or indifferent.

Let's take a look at you, and maybe after a few minutes you just might come away with a new understanding of something that should be very, very important to you.  When you were born you were just a baby, with a new born's body.  As you grew up your body changed time and time again.  If you are in your twenties, or thirties, or even forties or fifties, you no longer have the body you had when you were a year old.  You don't have the body you had when you were ten, or twelve, or seventeen, or even eighteen.  Your body has changed countless times, but the one thing that hasn't changed is your spirit.  Your spirit was 100 percent complete at the time of your conception.  Everything else has changed, but not your essence.  So why is this so important to realize?  When you realize that your spirit is complete and changeless, then maybe you will come to appreciate just how incredible you are.  When you realize that your spirit is changeless, maybe you will finally understand your abilities to live your own life and not fall subject to what others demand of you.  When you finally realize that your spirit is changeless, then and only then will you assume the role of creator, a position you were always intended to be in.

I'm always amazed by those who measure everything in life against others.  My house needs to be bigger than their house, my car fancier than their car.  The need to have more money than everyone else, or simply be higher in society than your competition.  All of these examples come right from the ego, and the ego has nothing on your spirit, and why is that? Because your spirit is changeless.  Get this into your heads:  don't base your life on something that is going to be gone in the future, rather base all things on things that will never change.  It's kind of like when someone changes the rules of a game mid-way through the game, and don't you know how that screws with you.  If you will begin to focus on those things that have always been and will always be, you will soon take on the characteristics of something that has always been and will always be.  As an infinite being, you have no end.  Eventually your body, my body, every one's body is going to give out, but not your spirit.  Why would anyone want to bet on something that is going to end, when you have the option to bet on something that has no end.  I use the term "bet" metaphorically.  What I am trying to impress on you is the importance of walking in spirit.  When you understand just how powerful you are, and use that power to create the world of your dreams, I promise you that you will never again desire to hold on to those things that change like the seasons.

I've been doing a personal inventory of my life recently, and this has been spurred on by re-reading a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer titled Wishes Fulfilled.  If you haven't read this book, do yourself a favor and get it.  It can explain all that I'm writing much better and in greater detail.  The most powerful aspect of the book is explaining the importance of living your highest self.  That part of life that is being lead by your essence, which is your spirit.  When you focus on the real you things begin to change for you.  When you focus on the real you things begin to shake and move.  When you focus on the real you, you will know no end to what you can accomplish in this life.  We have been sold a bill of goods as it relates to who and what we are.  We've been conditioned since birth to believe that we have to go with the flow, and never ever rock the boat.  I like shaking things up, if for no other reason then to keep myself and others on our toes.  I am a bit of a rebel, but that's because I refuse to be crammed into a mold that someone else has said I have to fit into.  You are as individual and unique as the stars in the sky or a grain of sand on a beach.  Why in the world would you want to be forced to live up to someone else's expectations of you?

Let me give you a little hint about being the real you.  Many people who read self-help or motivational books feel as though that they have to change their personality if they are ever going to get where they want to be, or where others feel they should be.  Your personality was placed in you to help you fulfill your destiny.  Don't ever feel as though you have to change in order to fit in.  The Universe in its perfection gave you the personality you needed, don't screw things up by thinking you need to be someone different.  If someone doesn't care for your personality that's their issue not yours.  Now if you are taking on another personality to fit in, you will quickly realize that the fit is never going to happen.  I have a very strong personality, some would even say that I can be too bold at times.  I need to be bold so I can reach the masses with my story of destiny and such.  Had I changed my personality to get along better in the past I certainly would not be doing what I am doing now.  Trust in who you are.  Trust in what you are.  The real you is in there, you simply need to allow it to come out and play more often.

Your changeless spirit is your core, it is your foundation.  If you will take time to listen, feel, think about your true essence, your life will change in ways that would have seemed unimaginable just a short while ago.  Let go of man's expectations and simply know the real you.  You are light.  You are love.  You are abundant.  You are brilliant.  You are beauty, joy, and happiness all rolled up into one.  Accept your true essence and begin to walk in your destiny.  It's time you took your rightful place.

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY needed to hear this tonight, Scott. As a recovering alcoholic, I have learned that my "ego is not my amigo," and trying to satiate its' every desire can in fact be lethal for me. This article illuminates and celebrates the human spirit beautifully!
