Saturday, December 28, 2019

Do you have 2020 Vision?
I know it's cliche, but as Barbara Walters would say, "This is 20/20".  I was going to take the week off from writing, but when you love something as much as I, you look for reasons, any reasons, to do what you love most, and for me, that's writing.  So I guess you are going to have to read one more blog this year, and I will attempt to launch you into the next decade with style.

If you have spent any time on social media over the last few days or weeks you would have seen post after post, meme after meme, about the New Year, and why so many people want to forget 2019.  Face it, every year we turn the corner on the old and we hope for the best for the new.  I don't know about you, but I had a pretty stellar 2019, but that doesn't mean that my hopes for the New Year are any less dwindled.  I have been preparing myself for a shift that I know is taking place.  This particular time is different however, and to be honest I can't quite put my finger on the reason why.  I think that this shift is one that I have prepared for, as it is one that has been ordained since the beginning of time.  I have, and maybe for the first time, actually come to a better understanding of who and what I am.  Funny thing about writing about one's true nature and purpose, is that you eventually pick up on what you are writing about and somehow take it on, like you were always intended to do.

Having 20/20 vision is about seeing perfectly.  Perfectly in the sense that you understand your purpose, your being, and your uniqueness.  Having a vision for 2020 is also about understanding your purpose, your being, and your absolute uniqueness.  One of the great things about entering a new year is that most people see it as a chance to start over.  We can say good-bye to whatever didn't work for us over the previous year, and we can set the intention for what we intend to do during the upcoming year.  Let me ask you this, do you even remember what it was that you were hoping for at the end of 2018?  Most people unless they wrote it down, can't tell you what it was.  Certainly most people are looking for happiness, most would say they want more money, or success in their professional life.  Some might even wish for health.  No matter what you were hoping for when you entered 2019, this is always the time of year when we reflect on things.  Most everyone has heard the expression "Hope springs eternal."  It's a fairly simple process really.  Whether you call it hope or faith, the end result is the same, if you loose either, you are never going to have what you desire most.  So it's not unusual for people to speak of hope and faith at the beginning of a New Year, but here's the kicker: are you still holding on to that same hope and faith as you prepare for the next New Year?  Did you see what you were hoping for over the past year, or was there a point in time when you just gave up on your vision?

Giving up is not something that is unheard of in life.  Many people give up on things.  Sometimes the price of getting something is not worth what the end result would bring.  Those decisions are yours alone to make.  I'm not here to tell what to believe for, how much you should believe, or even if you feel you can believe for something.  What I'm here to do is encourage you to look at things a little differently this year, and maybe through it all, you will have the breakthrough that you have been waiting your whole life for.  Let me give you a little glance into the upcoming year.  Did you know that there will be 366 days in 2020?  Did you know that each day will have 24 hours in it?  Each week will be comprised of seven days, and a cute fact, my birthday will be in August.  Ok, I know I'm being a little silly, but when you look at the upcoming year, trying to predict what is going to take place is like trying to guess the number of sand particles there are in all the beaches in the world.  It's nearly impossible, and quite frankly it's kind of a waste of time.

I know people make tons of money trying to predict what is going to happen to someone over the next year.  If that's your thing, more power to you.  I know that my year is going to be determined by how I set up the year, what my intentions are, and more importantly how I hold true to those intentions.  I've said it before, we create our reality by the words we say, the thoughts we have, and the feelings we allow.  If you want to change the outcome of the upcoming year, then change the way that you look at things.  If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got.  We can look toward the new year with hope, but if you can't set the intention, then you are going to be looking at the end of 2020, hoping for a better 2021, and thus the cycle continues.  Why not break the cycle this year and simply create your world?  We were always intended to create, not simply react.

So what is your vision for 2020?  Do you have 20/20 vision for the upcoming year?  Seeing clearly what you desire, setting the intention of what you desire, and not digressing from what you desire is the key to making or creating a stellar 2020.  Yes there may be times that we are tried, but trials or setbacks never killed anyone, they simply required some thought as how to get past them.  It's when you give up on what you desire most, that times get tough.

It's time to clearly see who and what you are.  This next year needs people to come to terms with their true essence.  When you know who and what you are, then and only then will you understand where you are going, and most assuredly, where you are going is where you were always intended to go.  Happy New Year to each of you, and I look forward to hearing about all of your triumphs over the next 12 months.

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