Sunday, December 8, 2019

Life is a journey of discovery, why not take the first step?
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  Each of us are on a journey, and this journey will be different from any other journey you have ever taken, or will ever take.  Your journey is meant to teach you the significance of your true essence, who you are, why you are here, and just how divine you really are.  Now there will be those who will run away from learning about who they really are, but trust me, you will eventually come full circle and you will know the real you.

I've been focusing on my higher self for quite some time.  I've been meditating about my divinity, that I am an infinite being, and that I have always been and will always be.  I know that many will scoff at these statements, but they are the very same people who haven't a clue as to their true self, let alone be willing to walk in the fullness that was always meant for them.  What I'd like to do today is prompt you to take that first step into a discovery of your beauty, your greatness. I want you to understand your never ending ability to create a life that is beyond imagination.

We have all been conditioned to believe that we live here on this planet only to take what comes our way.  Now for some good things seem to show up at all times, while there are others who seem to always be in a cycle of lack and scarcity.  We have been taught that good things come to those who wait, but in reality good things come to those who are bold enough to create their reality with their thoughts, feelings, and words.  We are taught certain things growing up and then we spend a lifetime trying to unteach ourselves many of the limiting beliefs we have held on too.  Believe it or not I start and end each day with my "I am" statements.  What are "I am" statements?  Simply put, they are statements that say who I am, without regard to what may be going on around me.  I try to read each night before I fall to sleep.  Now I may only read for ten minutes, but I want one of the last things I think about to be uplifting, as I will ponder those thoughts in my subconscious for the next eight hours as I sleep.  That being said, the very last thing I think about before I fall asleep are my "I am " statements.  I am that I am.  I am peace, I am joy, I am happiness, I am abundant, I am infinite, I am one with Spirit.  I think these each night and I begin my day with these statements.  Now to some this may seem like a total waste of time.  Be that as it may, I will not end or start my day any other way.

I want to discover the fullness of my existence.  I want to walk in that fullness.  So many people have relegated themselves to the bench in terms of having it all right now.  How many times have we heard that when we die and go to heaven that we will have our glorified bodies and we will never know sickness, or sadness, or any other thing that we content with here on earth?  Well, help me out here, doesn't it say "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"?  Once again we have fallen prey to what has been pushed down our throats for years.  Your journey of discovery needs to begin with grasping the total significance of who and what you are.  I know I sound like a broken record as I write about these things all the time, but there is a reason I repeat, and repeat, and repeat again these simple facts.  Until such time as you identify with your "I am" statements you will always be victim to the conditioning you have been put through since birth.

Let me ask you a simple question: would you rather walk around with a smile on your face, or with a never ending list of things that just didn't work out for you?  I get how things can seem to be out of control from time to time, but staying in a place where you never recognize how truly remarkable you are is just not a place you should want to be in.  Discovering your greatness, your true identity, is what will unlock a world of beauty for you.  Walking in your divinity will set your feet on a path to absolute discovery of your uniqueness.  We are not just humans who have a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings.  Nothing is ever going to change that, and the sooner you realize just what you are, the sooner you can have it all.  Now let me provide you with one word of warning:  there is not place for ego when it comes to being who you really are.  Ego have never been, and will never be your friend.  Ego only cares about itself, and could care less whether you ever walk in your destiny.

If you want to have it all, experience it all, love all things, enjoy life to the fullest, then accept this journey of discovery for what it is, your true destiny.  I desire good things for each of you, but even wanting this for you will come up with no results if you first don't accept who and what you are.  I can lead you to the promised land, but you have to make the decision to come along on this journey.  Life was never intended to be a series of "you'll never make it", or "you aren't good enough for that." Life should in fact be something that energizes you.  Life should excite you and when you first wake up in the morning you know it's going to be a great day.  I am that I am.  I am joy, I am peace, I am happiness, I am abundant.  I am the beginning and the end.  I am simply what I was created to be.  I will create my reality, and I will be a source for others to draw from.  Why not go on a journey with me and see where it takes you.  You can stay put, and continue to experience what you have been going through, or you can take the first step on your journey.  I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and start living the life you were always intended to walk in.

Life is wonderful when you fully grasp your beauty, your uniqueness, and your highest self.  Reach out and accept all that is out there for you.  I promise you this: when you begin to walk in your "I am" statements you will never look back with regret.  Begin your journey of discovery and know that things will never be the same again.

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