Sunday, December 15, 2019

I am________(Fill in the Blank.)
What are you?  Who are you?  If I told you that you have the ability to create your own reality, would you believe me?  Would you believe me if I said that by merely accepting certain truths about your ability to create, you could completely change the course of your life and what you experience on any given day?  Today I want to share with you some of the things that I do each day and night to ensure that I am what I am desiring to be.  The first thing that I need you to understand is that "your" words have not only meaning, but absolute power to change things, start things, and move things in ways you never thought possible.  We are so quick to speak things without first recognizing the power of our words. We've all been around people who arbitrarily say things without the slightest thought of how those words can effect others, either in a positive or negative manner.  Words matter, and so do feelings and thoughts.  This must be the day that you begin using the power that has been granted to you in a way that molds and shapes your existence in the way you desire.  Now if you don't care about your life, meaning you're just as happy to walk through the muck and mire with everyone else, well I guess what I am writing this morning won't really speak to you.  If however, you want more from life, more than what others have said is  possible, then maybe you will want to really take heed to what I am saying.

I constantly hear people talking about all the things they are, sadly most of what they are saying is negative at best.  "I'm never going to be good at this..", "I'm fat", "I'm ugly".  I'm this or that, and most of the time what they are saying are all the things they think they aren't instead of saying all the things they want to be.  Just think if instead of saying all the things you don't want, what if you began saying all the things you desire most.  I'm Joy.  I'm Happiness.  I'm Love.  I'm Peace.  I'm Beautiful.  I'm Abundant.  I'm Brilliant.   If you can't accept that you are each of these things, then you never have to worry about having these things in your life.  My question to you would be, why wouldn't you want these things in your life, and even more importantly, why would you do anything that would keep these things away from you?  Every time you say 'I can't" or "I'm not" you are simply setting yourself up for a whole lot more "can't" and "not".  So that begs the question, why?  Why would you want negative in your life, and not living a life of total happiness and joy?  Why would you choose not having what you desire most, and instead replace it with a bunch of things that you would never wish on your worst enemy?  When you continually say all the things you're not, you are simply asking for more of it to come into your world.

Believe it or not I start and end each day saying all the things I am.  I'm not saying what I think I am, or what I some day want to be, I am saying all the things that I am right now.  I am strong.  I am joy.  I am happiness.  I am love.  I am abundant.  I am divine.  I am one with my Creator.  By taking the last five minutes before falling asleep I am placing all of my "I am" statements into my sub-conscious mind to percolate for the next eight or so hours.  What I am doing is stating all that I am, and not what I am not.  Too many people are always saying what they are not, and all they are doing is asking for more of what they don't want in life to come at them with a vengeance.  Words have power, which is why it is so important to watch what you say.

So what are you?  If you will begin by saying what you are, you will energize your life with more of what you are.  I'd say that having more joy, more happiness, more abundance in your life is something that most anyone would desire.  If you are lacking anything in your life then the first step is to recognize that maybe the words you are speaking is the root cause of your lack.  If during your day you find yourself saying what you can't do, or what you aren't, then simply stop, and begin saying all that you are.  I am strong, I am wisdom, I am bold, I am magnificent, and so on.  It will only be a matter of time until you begin seeing more of this in your life.  So let me ask you this: do you want more good or more less than good in your life?  If it's the latter, then simply do nothing.  If you desire more goodness, more happiness, more joy, then claim it, and know that it is yours, has always been yours, and will always be yours, if you will own it.

Words and feelings have power, and the sooner you recognize this fact, the sooner you can have it all in your life.  We are created beings and as I have said so many times in the past, we were created to create.  If you want to create a super tremendous life, then speak it, feel it, be it.  If you simply want to go with the flow, and why you'd want that I'll never know, but if that's what you want, ignore what I am writing to you today.  I know that many will think that all this "I am" stuff is simply mind salad, and nothing you say or think will have any impact on your life.  I feel for these people, but I hope that you will decide that you control the direction of your life, and if you will make some simple modifications to what you do each day, you will indeed see a change, and that change will put a smile on your face.

Create your life with the words that come out of you.  Walk in total joy and happiness, by spreading joy and happiness.  Own love and compassion, by speaking love and compassion.  Experience abundance and prosperity, by feeling it.  You were never intended to live a life that was void of all the goodness that life has to offer, so now is the time to accept the goodness.  Forget about what happened before and begin anew.  Time is an illusion, and what may have been missing in the past, no longer has to be missing for you now.  You are peace, joy, and happiness.  You are love, beauty, and divine.  Say it, walk in it, be it.  It's all up to you.  I trust you will make the right choice.

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