Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why your life is so much better than you might think!
I get how things can get people down from time to time.  I fully understand how life seems to throw people a curved ball out of the blue.  I completely see why some people feel as though there are no options when it comes to going through trying times.   I'm here to tell you today that your life is so much better then current or former circumstances might dictate.  When one is faced with less than desirable events, it is awfully hard to remember that we need to enjoy every moment of life.  I've said it before that everything is a lesson, and joy can be found in any and every lesson in life.

Now I've been accused of being a heartless S.O.B.  I guess this might stem from the fact that I just don't care.  Don't misunderstand, it's not that I don't care about people, because I care deeply.  What I don't care about is circumstances, or events, or even the excuses I hear from others as to why their life is so totally abysmal.  If you want to walk around with the proverbial Black Thunder Cloud hovering over you at all times, I guess that is your choice, but there is an option.   Why not try to enjoy every single moment of your life?  Why not throw caution to the wind and simply go do something you have always wanted to do?  Why not look at all of your tomorrows and realize that each day is an opportunity to walk in joy, peace, happiness, and oh so much love?  Too many people will look at a situation, be it bad, good, or even indifferent, and then everything else in life is going to be based off of what just happened, or didn't happen.   My dear friends life is not a measurement of what just happened, or what might happen, but rather what you hold in your heart.  Life is a journey of discovery and once you give up on learning more about who and what you are, you have just given up on life.  I have had to deal with issues in my life.  There have been times when I haven't fared so well.  There have even been times in my life when I really didn't care if I had any more tomorrows in me.  That all changed when I came to the realization that there were things that I needed to do.  Things that needed to be done by me, and me alone.  You see, you are not here by accident, and once you grasp your greatness, your uniqueness, your totally awesome self, then and only then will you begin to see that life is so much better than you ever thought possible.

If you aren't enjoying every moment of your life then you are focusing on things that quite frankly needn't be focused on.  We all look at life and try to figure out why certain things are happening.  We all wonder what we might have done differently, or if there was a better way of handling a particular situation.  Shoulda, coulda, woulda, and $2.95 will get you a cup of coffee somewhere.  No one is immune from second guessing themselves.  No one is going to go through life with out wondering about that great idea that might have gotten away from you.  No one is going to simply skip through life and never wonder about the "one" who got away.  Face it, we're human and we mess up like every other human before us.  If you can accept that you can't change the past, that there are no guarantees for the future, and that living in the now is your best option, then you can finally start to enjoy every second of your life.

I got home from work this evening having driven way out to the North Dallas Forty.  I came home to our dog who knew nothing about my long day.  Her tail was wagging and she loved that Papa was home, and she knew was it was time for undivided attention.  Puppy was focused on Papa, Papa was focused on Lucy, and as far as she was concerned the world was perfect.  When was the last time you felt as though the world was perfect?  When was the last time that you just enjoyed the place you were at and appreciate all that was going on around you?  I was tired today, but boy do I love coming home to my dog, my husband, and our home.  I love being around those I love, and I love those around me.  It's time that you realize that you have so much going for you, and without regard to your current surroundings, your current situation, you are a created being who was created to create.  You are divine, and you are infinite.  When you are able to tap into your divinity, explore your infinite side of life, and accept your greatness, that will be the time that you will enjoy and walk in peace, joy, and happiness.

I'd like to touch on the greatness issue for just a moment.  Too often we look at things and we base our decisions and thoughts on things that we have been conditioned to believe.  Sadly all that conditioning that we have been put through during the totality of our life has gotten you to a place where you are unfamiliar with the real you.  Not knowing the real you is going to make it very difficult to walk in life with utter joy and happiness.  Man's conditioning has done nothing to bring you to the right side of infinity, and this side of infinity is where you should abide.  We are infinite beings and we will have no end.  We have always been and will always be.  I know that this may come as a shock too many, but as an entity created out of energy, you are not going anywhere.  Yes we will leave this human form at some point in time, but your true essence is going to continue on.  Now given the option to live in joy, having the life of your dreams, or simply existing for the sake of existence, what path would you prefer?  Get this through your head:  you are divine, you are infinite, and you have all the ability to create the perfect life.  Don't allow what may be going on around you to form your thoughts and feelings, especially when those thoughts and feelings are contrary to your true self.  It's time to tap into infinity.  It's time to accept your greatness, and with this acceptance comes a life that will know nothing but joy, happiness, and a whole bunch of better!  Your life is just waiting for you to take it on a journey, and this journey is not one that you are going to want to miss, I guarantee it.

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