Monday, September 16, 2019

The right side of history.
There have been many, many situations in the past where each of us could have been on either the right or wrong side of history.  Today I want you to think about yourself and determine if you are heading for the right side of your own history.  We all have choices to make in life.  Sometimes we've made the right choice and sometimes, well let's say we didn't settle on the right side of things.  Now there's no use crying over spilled milk.  There will be times when we just choose unwisely, but that is not a death sentence by any stretch of the imagination.

Life lessons, good or bad, are the things that have helped to mold and shape us.  We go through certain things so that we might become what we were always intended to be.  There are times when we need to learn lessons, but our failure to learn something simply means we will have yet another opportunity to go through something until we pick up on what it is we are supposed to learn.  Is it your intention to end up on the right side of things, or will you continue to go through the grindstone of life, always wondering just what the hell is going on?  Ending up on the right side of things is always going to be your own choice.  Certainly there will be input from others and varying thoughts from those who believe they know best, but ultimately it is always going to be your decision to make.  You will decide what side of things you are going to end up on.

I guess one might be asking just what is the right side of things?  The right side is going to be different for every individual.  What is right for one might or might not be right for you.  Copy cat learning is not the answer.  Just because something worked for someone else doesn't mean it's going to work for you.  Just because you did something yesterday doesn't mean you will be able to do it again today.  Times change, conditions differ, and outcomes are any ones guess.  If you are going to end up where you need to be, doing what you were intended to do, you are going to have to start listening to your own heart and follow the guidance from deep within your being.  What might appear to be the right side of things on the surface, might be anything but the right side when you start listening to your spirit.  You will finally reach a point in your life when going with the flow just isn't going to work for you any longer.  Now I'm not saying that you can never seek out assistance from others.  It is my hope that there will always be people around who are willing to lend a hand when needed.  What I'm talking about is always reaching out for help even before you try to figure things out for yourself.  There is an old saying that many hands make light work, but when you are dealing with decision making, too many opinions simply muddy up the waters.

Making decisions can sometimes be overwhelming.  Coming face to face with challenges is not something everyone is comfortable with.  Landing on the right side of a situation is a crap shot some might say.  I hold the belief that staying on the right side of things is a choice, and you are the only one who can decide.  Think of it this way: if you are facing a life or death decision, do you really want to put the outcome into the hands of someone you hardly know?  If you are facing a critical situation would you rather control the outcome, or give up your rights and let someone else dictate what the outcome will be?  Given the choice I think I might want to lead the charge, especially if my own life is involved in any way.  That being said, doesn't it then make sense that you should be the one directing things in your life and not giving it over to others who might not have your best interest at heart?

Here's the bottom line:  you decide what side of things you are going to end up on.  You have the right to take advice from others, but you also have the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff.  Each of us has the ability to hear directly from our Creator.  You can call him/her God, Spirit, Source, it matters not.  That which created you enabled you to communicate directly, and those who choose to do so will find themselves on the right side.  Those who don't, will find themselves wandering about never quite knowing what to do next, where to go, or even why they are where they are.  I've spent so many years wandering in the wilderness.  I've felt alone, defeated, and oh so weary of life.  When I finally opened up my understanding of who and what I was, things changed.   When I finally started listening to my heart things changed.  When I finally gave up on allowing others to control me, things changed.  If you are looking for change then maybe this is a good time to tune into the greatest communications systems ever known.  Why go through an operator when you have a direct line?  Getting yourself to the right side of things is nothing more then getting yourself to listen to what your spirit is telling you.  Your spirit was 100% developed and functioning even before you took your first breath.  Sadly many have drifted away from even recognizing their spirit, and the only outcome that is possible when this happens is being on the wrong side of things.  If you desire change, then start to listen to what Spirit is saying to you.  If you desire success, then start to listen to what God is saying to you.  If you desire to become what you were always intended to become, then start listening to your source.  I promise you that things will change direction, and the direction you point to will be the direction you were always intended to go.

Life may be fleeting, and we may only occupy this human body for a finite amount of time, but trust me when I tell you that your spirit is infinite and eternal.  Why would you want something this valuable to simply sit on the sideline and observe things.  I for one want all I can get, and in order to have that I need to listen and decide what is the right side to end up on.  I encourage you to familiarize yourself with your true self, your true essence, and once you do, lets just say that this journey of discovery will be something to shout about.  Life can be brutal if you let it, but it can be grand beyond your wildest dreams if you will simply discover the significance of your being and listen to what you're being directed to do.

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