Monday, September 9, 2019

One step at a time, one day at a time.
They say that the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step.  Well my journey of some 1900 miles began with the first step, and now my journey is one day at a time.  Living in the moment is really the only option that a wise person should choose.  You can't change a thing about yesterday and most people are fairly unaware of what is going to confront them tomorrow.  Living in the moment then really is your only true option.

When my husband and I decided to make our move from Maine to Texas there were some moments of concern. but deep down within the inner depths of my being I knew it was the right move, and I knew it was the right time.  Truth be told the Universe did have to prompt me fairly hard at first, but once the decision was made, things were pretty simple.  Now change for many people is something they fear, it's something they dread, and it's something that they try to run from at almost any cost.  Let me assure you that change hardly ever has killed anyone.  As a matter of fact, change is what keeps us young.  What ever you do, don't allow your concern over change stop you from being where you need to be, and doing what you need to be doing.  Even when faced with huge changes, things still only go one step at a time, and one day at a time, don't forget that.

One of the things that I had to keep in mind was that I was making this move in conjunction with the rest of the Universe.  Many tend to see them selves as small and inconsequential, but that is thinking that is never going to get you to your destiny, nor is it going to bring any joy to your life.  When you are walking together with the rest of the Universal Conscientiousness, you have unlimited power and ability.  Sadly most people have never given any thought to who and what they are, nor do they understand the significance of being a part of the Universal One Mind.  Believe it or not, the Universe  is the sum total of all its parts.  If you are looking for perfection, then look no further then the Universe.  If you are looking for assistance, look no further then the Universe.  If you are simply feeling alone and isolated, then look to the Universe.  Many might be wondering why I bring this all up today?  Maybe I needed a refresher on who and what I am.  Maybe I just want you to see the significance of who you are.  Maybe I just wanted to shift the focus onto what is best, and not look at those things we no longer see as useful to us.  What ever reason, there is power in the Universe and that unlimited power is already yours.  All you need to do is reach out for it and use it for its intended purpose.

I've learned many lessons over my lifetime.  It would be hard to pin point what is the most significant lesson I've learned, but one that has to be at least the top two or three on my list is learning that I was not destined to just be. I don't have to fit into any particular pattern.  I don't have to follow every direction or rule.  I don't have to accept a life of drudgery and unhappiness.  We have all been conditioned to believe certain things, and every so often we finally realize that those things we have been told we must adhere to, well they simply don't apply to us any longer.  The future is yours to design if you will forget about the past and focus on who you are.  Now I can't always say that I have always known the real me.  There are days that I still have to remind myself of who and what I am.  I will tell you that had I not known the real me, the authentic me, there wasn't a chance in hell that I would have picked up my whole household and moved 1900 miles.  I know that the next phase of my journey starts here in Texas, and I simply took the leap and pulled the trigger.  I think there are many people out there who simply need to take a leap of faith and do what their heart is telling them to do.

No matter where your journey may take you, and no matter what obstacles or barriers you may encounter along the way, you will be so much happier doing what you were created to do.  I love writing and I love talking to others about destiny, self-discovery, growth and the like.  I am so blessed that I am able to do what I do, but you are no different, and as I have said so many times before, the Universe and God are no respecter of people, so what happens to one, will happen to all others.  If you are still waiting for the door to open, maybe you are looking at the wrong door, and maybe you need to figure out what you're really supposed to be doing with your life.  I don't say that to be cruel, I say that because I want you to experience the joy of doing what you truly love doing, and not be shackled to a job or position that is only there to pay the bills.

As tough and as tiring as these last few months have been, as we settle into our new home I am so thankful for having made the decision to move, and I am so thankful that I followed my heart and not my head.  Sometimes you just have to stop thinking about things, and really start feeling things.  I knew it was going to feel great being here in Texas.  I knew it was going to feel great doing more with my writing and speaking.  This is what drew me to move, and this is what excites me even more today.  If you lack that excitement, maybe moving to Texas isn't the answer, but maybe doing something different is.  There is no reason to feel stuck, and if you do, it's time to cut loose and just take a leap.  Your journey will begin with the first step and it will be one day at a time, but I assure you that it will be a journey that you will never forget, and it will be a journey that you will never ever want to end.

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