Monday, September 23, 2019

The Big Adventure
Oh how life can be an adventure, if you let it that is.  Some people run from adventure because let's face it, adventure is sometimes anything but a sure thing.  What lays ahead is sometimes a mystery, and many don't like mystery in the least.  What I want you to do today is embrace adventure.  Wrap you arms around all those things you have been setting on the back burner because you either didn't have the time, or you didn't want to chance anything.  In reality life can be pretty boring without adventure added to it.  I for one love change, love adventure, and I cherish opportunity to try new things, and see different locations.

When my husband and I moved to Texas from Maine, we knew it was going to be an adventure.  Sure there were times when we didn't know what was going to be around the next corner, but I at least had an inner knowing that this was the right move at the right time.  What many of you need to do is simply give up the notion that you have to have all the answers before you take a single step. If you hold on to this believe you are never going to move an inch, and trust me, you have to move if adventure is ever going to be a part of your life. How may people do you know who are constantly bemoaning how life is?  How many people do you know who walk around every single day just wishing things were different for them?  How many people do you know who you simply don't want to be around because they try to take you down to their level of misery?  I can almost guarantee you that these people are the ones who run away from adventure in their life.  This my friends is no way to live.

If you are ever going to really live, and I mean really live, you are going to have to incorporate adventure into your life.  Let me say that again, you simply have to embrace adventure and see it for what it is, the best part of being alive.  Why people run from adventure is anyone's guess, but I can assure you that a life without adventure is no real life at all.  Why do I say this?  I've been in places where I was stagnant and didn't care if I lived or died.  I've been wrapped around the wagon wheel and had no idea how to unwind myself.  I've seen what life can be like when you grab adventure by the horns and take the ride of your life.  People say that the only sure things in life are death and taxes.  I'd like to add one more to the list:  a life without adventure is simple existence at best.  Let me ask you, who really wants to just exist?  There are so many things to experience in life and if you are wise you are going to try to experience everything you can.  If you are in a rut isn't this the perfect time to begin something new.  I get how "new" can be frightening, but that fright comes from a place that just wasn't meant for you.

Believe it or not you don't have to jump in with both feet when it comes to adventure.  You initiation into adventure might be as small a thing as taking a different route to work one day.  I get how people are creatures of habit, but those habits tend to freeze you in a place that never wants to let you go.  Let's be real, do you really want to be in the same place twenty years from now?  Hey, if you're content where you are, who am I to suggest you change things up.  That being said I've met very few people in this life who couldn't use a change or two in their life, and that includes me, myself, and I.  How many people do you know who could use some joy and happiness in their life?  I will bet you dimes to donuts that these people run from change, and even the thought of adventure sends them into a tizzy.  It's time to embrace all that life has to offer, and adventure is a huge offering to anyone who is willing to accept it.

So here's the big close, the push, the sell:  get out there and try something new.  It can be small, or for those who love a challenge, let it be big.  No matter where you fall on the scale go out and do something out of the norm.  I promise you one thing: if you're willing to take a chance then chance will favor you with good results.  Remember that everything we go through has been put in front of us to teach us lessons.  I for one love to learn new things, and I love experiencing new things.  I stay mentally young by trying new things, and you can maintain that youthful outlook if you are willing to try new things.  Adventure is for everyone, and everyone should be looking for opportunities to experience new adventures.

Let me leave you with this one last thought.  If adventure is something you avoid then you are going to miss out on so many great things in life.  If adventure is something you avoid then you are going get pretty bored after a while, and boredom will shorten almost any life.  If adventure is something  you run from, life is going to run away from you, and you're going to be left wondering what happened to your life.  It's time to go out there and really experience life to it's fullest and part of that living is going on an adventure.  Once you dip your toe in the waters of adventure I assure you that it will only be a matter of time until you throw yourself completely into it.  Come on in boys and girls, the water is fine!

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