Monday, May 27, 2019

To what length will you go to be the you you're supposed to be?
We've all had to look at current situations and wonder if we are where we are supposed to be. We've all lived through situations and wondered if they have been the cause of placing us where we find ourselves in the moment.  We've all had to sit and wonder if we are being true to ourselves and more importantly, being the person we were intended to be.  Our dreams have been placed in us for good reason.  No dream is a waste, and the dreams you have will ultimately lead you to your destiny.  Now some people may not believe this, but these are the same people who gave up on their own dreams a long time ago.  What I want you to look at today, and what I want you to think about is this:  are you willing to do what needs to be done to bring your dreams into reality?

I've observed more then a few people who would rather go after another persons dream instead of going after their own.  First, the dreams of another person were never intended to be your dreams. There may be some similarities, but I assure you that you have your own dreams, and you have them for a reason.  In most cases people who stop believing in dreams have stopped because they somehow failed once or twice already and not believing seems easier then giving it another try.  If you stopped believing in your dreams then you have really never really believed in dreams.  Now I'm not saying this to belittle you, I'm saying this to prompt you to give it another try.  Achieving all you dream about may seem like an impossible task.  Quite honestly, those things that take the most effort ultimately mean more when you get what you are hoping for.  The big question is to what length are you willing to go to have what you really want?

My parents taught me that anything worth having is worth working for.  If you think that the Universe is going to simply drop your destiny in your lap with no effort on your part, you are sorely mistaken.  Let's be real for just a moment and let's look at people who have always had things handed to them, or had everything done for them.  These people end up with a huge entitlement mentality.  The world owes them something, not because they worked for it but simply because they feel they deserve it.  Lets cut to the chase and state boldly that having anything you want without any effort being put forth makes you a pretty lazy person and in my mind a fairly worthless individual.  Now I will probably get death threats for saying that, but let's be honest for once.  If you are unwilling to put out the effort to achieve your dreams, why in the world would you get angry when your dreams fizzle out?

I know lots of people would rather have things sugar coated and go on with life always thinking that things will work out.  If you just drift through life waiting for others to pick up the slack you will never be the person you were intended to be.  If you don't want to put out the effort then why would you think things are going to be any different then they are right now?  There comes a time when you are going to have to decide what is most important to you.  There will come a time when you are going to have to decide if what you want is really what you want.  I still have numerous things that I want to achieve in life.  I have to ask myself daily if I am willing to do what needs to be done to get me to the place I want most in life.  I'm the only one who can answer that question and I'm the only one who can get me to the place I really want to be.  Certainly there will be people who will be there to help you along the way, but if you can't decide what you really want, you are going to spin your wheels until the cows come home.

There are times when results come easy, and there will be times when results just don't come at all.  The real meaning of life is figuring out that there is still hope, even when things may not go according to plan.  I have wants and desires.  I have dreams and hopes.  Do you really think that I will be able to achieve any of my goals if I simply hang out and wait for the Universe to drop them down to me?  Folks, life isn't like that.  Half the fun of getting something you really want is working toward what you want.  Some of life's greatest successes come from some of life's greatest set-backs.  Failure is never fatal, at least not as far as I'm concerned.  I've failed more times then I'd like to admit, but guess what?  I'm still standing and I'm still going after what I want most in life.  I know how tiring life can be.  There have been times in my life when I wanted to say to hell with it all.  Just let me die and everything will be better.  Well I'm still here and I'm still here because there are things that I still need to do, want to do, and plan on doing.  If you have accomplished all you have always wanted to accomplish and there is nothing more to do, well good on you.  But I will say this:  if you are still here breathing and taking up space on this planet, then there is still something you are supposed to do.  I've had people who worry about time and wonder if they will have the time in this life to do what needs to be done.  The answer is quite simple:  you will be here for as long as you need to be here to accomplish those things you were sent here to do.

So what length will you go to to be the real you?  What length will you go to, to achieve your dreams?  What length will you go to to make sure you walk in your destiny?  I'd like you to think about your dreams.  What is the one things you really want to do, but haven't done it yet?  When you think about this one thing do you smile, or do you grow sad?  How you answer that question will tell me if you have given up on things.  Please don't give up.  If at first you don't succeed, well consider yourself in good company.  Very rarely do people live lives where nothing goes wrong.  Trust me, everything you go through teaches you stuff.  The more you learn, the more you can do.  The more you do, the closer you come to being the real you.  The real you is what the world needs.  The real you is why you were sent here.  The real you is what is calling out to you each and every day.  When you accept the real you, then you will see things come into being, and life is a grand thing.

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