Monday, May 20, 2019

If a picture paints a thousand words, what does your landscape say?

Photographer:Jeff Hollett
They say that a pictures paints a thousand words.  If I were to take a picture of the landscape of your life, what do you think those thousand words would say.  I believe that there is beauty in everything.  Certainly there are times when you might have to go down a few layers to get to the beauty, but rest assured beauty is there.  If I were to take a cross section of your life, what do you think I would find.  What would your landscape say about you and what would it tell me about you the person?  We've all been guilty of not always being real, but when you dig down deep, real is all you really get, or all you really have.

What I'd like to do today is start you out on a journey of greater discovery.  I always say that life is a journey of discovery.  Sadly there are far too many people who have given up on their journey.  That's sad, and it's sad because life is such a wonderful thing, especially when you live life to the fullest.  How many people do you know who have given up on life?  How many people do you run into on a daily basis and you wonder if they are aware of the many possibilities that await them?  How often do you just see something and wonder why?  So many questions, and yet we often do not wait around for the answers, or we simply don't want to hear the answers.

If you had asked me about my landscape 15 years ago I dare say it would be completely different then the picture of my life right now.   I've had dark times in my life, and I've been to places that have helped me move forward in different areas.  I'll be the first to admit that landscapes do change, but they change the most when we are open to them.  Too many people are locked into a perception of what their life is supposed to look like.  One miss-step and it's curtains for them, at least that's how they see it.  Thank god that one mistake does not end your destiny.  If the only thing you can see in your landscape is darkness, then I encourage you to strongly consider making changes.  Life is not supposed to be about loneliness, or unhappiness.  Life when lived to the fullest is all about peace, love, joy, and of course happiness.  Each of our landscapes should be an advertisement for peace, love, and joy.

I want you to look at the canvass of your life, what do you see on it?  Some will say it's blank, while others feel it's to busy with stuff, so much stuff that the scene is unrecognizable.  Each of us will have a different canvas, as each of us are in a different phase of life.  The key to any landscape is that it is real.  Make believe is not what we are looking for.  Fantasy is not what we are looking for.  Reality is the key, and being real is what needs to be on your canvas.  If I asked you to describe your canvass to me, right at this moment, what words would you use?  I like words like magical, uplifting, inspiring, or even better, remarkable.  If you can't use these words, then I'd like to know why not.   What is it that is keeping you away from the magical, the uplifting and inspiring, or the remarkable?  Contrary to what you may have been told in life, or conditioned to believe, we all are magical, uplifting, inspiring, and of course remarkable.  This is what your canvass should look like because this is what you like to the creator.  We don't often see these things in us because we have been cautioned throughout life to make sure we don't become a narcissist.  We've been told that standing out in a crowd is only for the braggarts, or the insanely stupid people who think more of themselves then they should.  Well that's just crap my friends.  If you can't accept your greatness, then you will never walk in your greatness, and that canvas you have been staring at is never going to be the portrait that it was intended to be.

Do me a favor and just for a minute think about the most perfect, beautiful scene.  When you think of the beauty of this landscape what are you really thinking about?  Are you thinking that it is you or are you thinking that it's just a pipe dream?  Pipe dreams are nothing more then falling prey to all the naysayers out there.  Pipe dreams are nothing more then you accepting all the negative vibes and intentions of others.  Trust me, a landscape of pipe dreams is not what you should be looking for.  Just for a second thing about this:  why would you be looking at something truly magnificent if you were never intended to experience magnificence?

So let me ask you one more time, what does your landscape say about you?  What thousand words would you like the rest of the world to know about you?  There was this guy, Bob Ross, who used to have a painting shown on PBS before he passed away.  I can remember watching him and at first I thought he was a total wacko, but then I saw the genius of what he was doing.  He would always say that your painting was your own little world and you could put what ever you wanted in it, wherever you wanted it.  Well this is so true when it comes to painting your own landscape.  Why would you want to only follow what others said you had to be or had to do, when you know there is so much more to you?  Ladies and Gentlemen the time has come to put the brush to canvas and begin to paint your future.  You have to believe that you are here for a purpose and only you can do what you were created to do.  When you came into this world your canvass had already been completed.  What you need to do is look at it and believe it.  Believe that you have a purpose.  Believe that you will discover your destiny.  Believe that your canvas is a work of art and you alone are the center of attention of your landscape.

What is your canvas saying to you?  Can you see the absolute splendor of your surroundings?  Do you realize that you in fact are a work of art.  Priceless and one of a kind, there is no one else like you.  It's time you started believing this and it's time that the world sees your portrait.  Display it for the world to see, and see if things don't come to life like never before.

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