Monday, May 13, 2019

It's never too late to be true to yourself.
Have you ever lived a lie?  Have you ever tried to be something you're not?  Have you ever just looked at a situation and wondered what you would do differently, if you only had the chance?  I believe that each of us has at one time or another done something that was out of character, but we did it anyway because we saw no other alternative.  I want you to think about life for a moment and think about being true to everything around you.  I want you to ask yourself if you have indeed been true to your true self, and if not, why not.

No one is perfect, at least no one that I have known personally.  It is in our imperfection that we realize our humanity.  The problem with humanity is that too many people give up on it too quickly.  The problem with humanity is that we have limited ourselves, and in doing so, have limited what we were always meant to be.  I'd like to break that cycle, and in doing so, take a giant leap in advancing what I truly believe is our own true destiny.  Man was never created just to simply take up space.  We each have a purpose and until such time as you discover that purpose you are never going to know how to be your true self.

I've been around people who I have truly admired.  I've been around people who sickened my stomach.  No matter how people are, we are either trying to be just like them, or making every effort not to be like those we despise.  It is tough being our true selves because we have so much going against us.  We have people always telling us what we can and can't do.  We have people who always seem to know more then us, and are trying to dictate our actions or our endeavors.  God forbid that you should want to stand out in a crowd and be different.  How many times have we seen people who stand out in a crowd and our first impression is what fools.  Just because one wears dread locks doesn't make them weird.  Just because someone enjoys only wearing black clothes and makeup doesn't make them the enemy of the world.  We are so fast to judge long before we have tried to find out why people do what they do.  There are millions of things that fly in the face of normalcy, but then you have to ask yourself whose normal is it?  Is it my normal, or your normal?  Is your normal any less valid then mine?  Is my normal any more attainable then yours?

I get how hard it can be to be your true self when up until now you have been anything but that.  If you have always been one way and people see you acting another way all of a sudden, most people are going to ask why.  Sadly even if they ask why, it is almost always after they have made their own judgment.  Being your true self after being an imposter for so many years is not an easy thing to do.  Now I don't say imposter to belittle anyone.  I use it only as a descriptor of those who have tried to be something they are not.  So many people hide behind false facades, almost as a protection thing.  It's easier to say one thing verses showing someone that you have faults.  Hell, we all have faults.  I can't think of a single person I know that doesn't have faults.  I have plenty of them.  Sure I'm trying to rid myself of many of them, but just about the time I think I have everything under control something else gets triggered and more faults float to the surface.  We will be dealing with faults the rest of our lives.  One would do well to accept that notion and just handle each one as they present themselves to you, and they will let their presence be known I assure you.

Being true to yourself is simply surrendering yourself to your higher calling.  Being true to yourself is accepting that there are things that need to be done, and they need to be done by you.  Being true to yourself is accepting that you have greatness running through your veins.  Until such time as you can accept your destiny, you will not, as I have said before, be your true self.  I know my calling, and I am so privileged to do what I do.  How many others are out there who can't say the same thing?  There is nothing worse then wanting something and never feeling as though you're going to get it.  Before I began to write about destiny there was an emptiness inside of me.  I thought that having a fancy car and lots of money would somehow fill that void.  It did not!  When I began writing my first book my life turned around.  I started seeing things as they truly were and not the way that others said they were.  There was a new found freedom because I was finally able to be true to me.  I no longer concerned myself with what others said or thought.  I was more focused on being the best me I could be and not giving a damn about what others thought of my choices or decisions.  Life is far to short to worry about what others say or think especially when it pertains to your destiny.    If you are more worried about other people's views, then you are going to have a very difficult time holding on to your own dreams and visions.

My good friends, it's never too late to be true to yourself.  If I've learned anything over the last ten years or so it's the importance of being me.  I was made me because others needed me.  You were created because others needed you.  Start accepting that you have a part to play in the universe.  Accept the truth that there is something you are supposed to do.  Being true to self is so vitally important.  Being true to self is something that I encourage you to focus on.  Being true to self is what will usher in a period of joy, love, happiness, and peace.  We all should want joy in our life, as well as love, happiness, and peace.  You can have all of these things and more if you will be true to who you really are.  Lets bring more joy and love to those around us, and watch as the world changes one person at a time.

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