Monday, May 6, 2019

Live long and Prosper!
I doubt very seriously that there are many alive today who are not familiar with "Live Long and Prosper".  I can remember trying to learn how to give the hand sign when I was just a little kid and how happy I was when I finally mastered it and could do it on command.  (So how many of you just did the Vulcan hand gesture? Lol) I digress.  Anyway, what took me a little longer to learn was how to really live long and prosper.  Truth be told I'm still having to learn a few things, but thank goodness I still have time to learn a thing or two.

What I want to share today are some of my thoughts on living a long and prosperous life, and quite frankly the importance of taking others along with you on what should be a fantastic ride.  First and foremost prosperity it not simply acquiring lots of stuff in your life. I know handfuls of people who have amassed large sums of money, but they are as far away from being truly prosperous as we are away from Andromeda.  Conversely I know others who live very modest lives, but they are some of the most prosperous people I know.  Secondly, lets talk about age.  What is long life?  What should it look like?  How do you live it, and why should it be important to you, if it is important to you?  My grandmother lived well into her 90's.  Did she live a long life?  I guess if you measure it against others who only lived to 60 you'd have to say she lived a long life.  What about those who lived to be one hundred plus years, is that a long life?  My idea of a long life is living as if there is no tomorrow, and being happy when tomorrow comes.  Long life is not so much the years you live, but what you do with the time you have here.  There are individuals who lived very short lives, yet accomplished amazing things in a short period of time.  There are others who lived what seemed like an eternity but never did much of anything.  Time is an illusion, and one would be wise to remember that.

What is true prosperity?  Is it having the biggest house, or the fanciest car?  Is prosperity never worrying about where your next meal is coming from or is it having enough financial freedom to be able to go after your dreams?  Let me tell you one thing: if you are waiting for financial freedom until you go after your dreams, you probably won't have to worry about going after your dreams, because they will have withered up and died long ago.  I'm not saying this to ruin your day, I'm saying this to help you understand what prosperity really is and what it is not.   What do you say to people who are struggling financially?  Do you encourage them to go after their dreams, or do you encourage them to work harder and eventually they will have what they need to strike out on their own?  Let's be real for just a minute: how can we expect others to look at dreams when all they see is piled up bills?  What I want you to understand is that dreams are not predicated upon what the balance sheet says.  Your ability to have it all is dependent on your willingness to recognize that you already have it all.  Prosperity is not just for the few, it is for everyone.  We've just been conditioned to believe that it all trickles down and someone will always be ahead of us and we will benefit from what they have done.  Man's conditioning has done more to screw up lives then I can state.  You are just as worthy as anyone else, and without regard to who your parents were, or what side of the tracks you grew up on, you have the right to expect prosperity and long life.

So why am I talking about this today?  I will answer that question with another question.  How many of you are happy with where you are at right now?  If you were to leave this physical plane today, would you feel complete?  I have so many people who ask me when will they know that they have fulfilled their destiny?  The answer is simple, when you leave these mortal coils.  You see, you are here because there are still things to be accomplished by you.  Quit worrying about time, and start focusing on the things you want to do.  I know very few people who have done it all.  There are still things I want to accomplish, that I feel I need to accomplish.  Neither you or I know when the end will come, so why focus on it.  I live as though there will always be a tomorrow and that tomorrow allows me to do more things.  I'm not ready to put down my pen or to stop talking about destiny.  As long as I'm here I might as well do the things I love doing.

Living a long and prosperous life is nothing more then stepping out into those things you love.  Living a long and prosperous life is nothing more then being what you were created to be.  Living a long and prosperous life is knowing that you were created to create.  If you continue to hold on to the belief that you are a mere mortal you will never accomplish what you were sent here to accomplish.  The time has come to shed the conditioning of past generations and begin to walk in the knowledge of who and what you really are.  I long for the day when every human understands, accepts, and begins to walk in their true destiny.  Think about a world were all egos are held at bay and we are no longer motivated to do things that will only benefit ourselves.  Think about a time when we look at all of humanity and accept that there is greatness in everyone and your efforts are there to help bring out that greatness.

Live long and prosper my good friends and begin sharing the very best part of you with others.  Life is indeed a journey of adventure and discovery.  Begin your journey now and live it like you've never lived it before.  Trust me, when you begin walking in your destiny you will never want to turn back around and have it the way it was.

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