Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Keep the Faith!

Let's face it, it's difficult at times to keep the faith when everything around us is simply falling apart.  If you look around you, seeing what is happening around the world, it's a wonder that anyone has any faith left, if they ever had any in the first place.  Now I'm not writing this today to get you down.  On the contrary, I want to motivate you to go after even more in your life, and expect to see things come front and center for you.

Faith is nothing more then knowing that you have a destiny, and come hell or high water, you will walk in that destiny.  Certainly there will be times when your faith is challenged, after all we are human.  But being challenged is nothing more than an opportunity to grow, to venture out into new things, and to bring to light those things that are most important to you.

Stepping out into new adventures is what living is all about.  Steeping out and doing something completely different is what staying young is all about.  Stepping out and letting go of your fears, and your past, is what faith is all about.  When you can look at past failures, or past hurts, and realize that life is so much worth living, then you have faith, and that faith is what will get you through the rest of your journey.

There have been countless people over the years who have tried to describe faith.  There are people who will say that there is only one way to get faith.  I'm sorry, but someone else's faith is not your faith.  What others do, yes it may help you in your journey, but it isn't going to change anything that you may go through, or have gone through.  I'm always amazed when someone will say that they know what I'm thinking, or know what I'm feeling, no they don't.  Unless you have lived my identical life, which we all know isn't likely, then there is no way that you can know what I'm thinking or feeling.  Of course they mean well in their sentiments, but meaning well is not going to change what I might or might not be going through.  My own faith is what is going to determine the direction I go, or even if I move forward with things.  My faith, or lack there of,  is going to either embolden me to reach for the stars, or sit back and wonder where life went.  Yes people can encourage you.  Yes people can motivate you.  People will even surprise you from time to time with their ability to know exactly what to say and when to say it.  What people will never be able to do is manufacture faith for you.  Faith, your faith, is entirely up to you.  Face it, you either have it or you don't.

If you have faith, great.  Carry on with life, and see where life takes you and how great things are.  If you don't have faith, well it's never too late to pick it up.  The first step in getting faith is realizing that you are in fact worthy of all good things.  Problem with most people who stumble with their faith is that they think that somehow they have been a bad person or done something so grievous that there is no way that good fortune would ever follow them.  If you understand the significance of your true essence, then it is very easy to have faith.  You were not brought to this life because you were undeserving.  You were created to create, as I have said so many times in the past.  If your true nature is that of a creator, then why would you ever think or believe that you were not entitled to having a remarkable life?  Once again, people challenge faith because they are challenging who they perceive themselves to be.  If you can't accept your greatness, then all the faith in the world is not going to help you become the person you were intended to become.

Your faith starts with you accepting your greatness.  Your faith starts when you get up every morning realizing that you have yet another opportunity to dazzle the world with your beauty, your charm, and your shinning light.  Your faith remains when you refuse to take a backseat to anything that is counter to what you know to be true.  I've seen so many people abuse faith.  There's a group who believe in name it and claim it.  Problem with that is they have never done the deep work to understand their own greatness so that when adversity comes, as it often does, what ever they were believing for has been blown away by the wind.  You can't buy faith, you can't borrow it, you have to accept it.  You have to know that you are special and by virtue of your presence here right now, you have a destiny.  I wish I could have known all of this years ago when I was floundering about trying to figure out who I was.  I'm so thankful that no lesson is lost, and no matter what one goes through, there is always joy in knowing that you learned something.  My faith is strong because my acceptance of who I am is strong.  My faith is strong because I know the significance of me being alive right now.  My faith is strong because I was created to create.   Friends, whatever you do, do not fall prey to what others say is your right of passage.  Your right of passage is nothing more then accepting who you are.  Others may try to push you into a corner in terms of what you are supposed to do in life, but don't allow it.  Search your heart and follow your dreams.  Faith will follow you as long as you are following your own calling.  Faith is not that hard to find, and when you know who you really are, holding on to faith is as simple as taking your next breath.

Know the real you, and you will walk with child like faith your entire life.  There is nothing better in this life then knowing that your dreams will come true and that you will walk in your destiny.

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