Monday, April 8, 2019

Isn't it time to just let go?
I know we want to keep going, keep trying, and just keep on keeping on, but there is a time when you just need to let it go.  Knowing what the right time is may be the Sixty Thousand Dollar Question. It's a question that many, many people will be forced to answer at some point in their life.

I have been writing about destiny and the awesomeness of knowing your true essence for years.  I've tried to get people to see the uniqueness that each individual is, and then accept your uniqueness, your originality.  Now letting go of something might seem counter to what I always write about, but before you go off on me, let me explain what I mean by letting go.  We tend to carry things around with us, when we might be better served to let certain things go.  So many people like to hold on to past hurts, past failures, past this, past that.  Instead of learning from what ever we went through, they would rather roll around in whatever pain, or sorrow they can hold on to.  When did holding on to pain ever really fix anything, or make things better?  Letting go of those things that no longer serve you only makes sense.  Well it makes sense to those who really want to move forward with completing their assigned task while on this planet.

I've seen so many people in my life never come to grips with things that may have happened to them, or never come to terms with what is expected of them.  Instead of embracing each situation as an opportunity for growth and learning, they instead see everything as the end of the world, or simply crisis after crisis.  Let's be real for just a moment and agree that walking around always waiting for the other shoe to drop is no way to go through life.  When you fail to let go of certain things you are going to always look for that second shoe.  Please, please, please let go and move on.  If you are constantly holding on to the past, refusing to learn from failures, then you are never going to move forward, and the longer you stay stationary, the sooner you are going to go stark raving mad.

I've had numerous people ask me what do you do to move on?  What steps need to be taken to get past something, something that may have been holding them up for years?  Now what each person does to get past something is largely dependent upon the individual person.  Some people are able to move past a failure or a hurt.  Others just want to hang on to these things.  I'd like to believe that my answer is a simple one.  If you can find the joy in any situation, no matter how traumatic or hurtful it may be, the easier it is to get over it.  Light comes from light, love from love, and joy and happiness from you guessed it, joy and happiness.  Everything we go through is a lesson and when you can find the joy in learning something new, you can bring more joy into your surroundings.   We've all been in a place where we have made mistakes, but we also have gotten to the point where we don't have to make the same mistake twice.  Isn't learning how not to repeat a mistake a victory in it self?  If we can be free from making the same mistake twice I would think that would bring you joy.  Yes the joy may have come from a bad situation, but it's joy none-the-less.

Finding joy and happiness is really a whole lot easier then many make it out to be.  The people who find it hard to walk in peace and joy are the very same people who are reliving their failures day after day.  The people who have nothing good to say are the same people who are reliving their pain each day.  Do you want to be that person who can't get out of their own way because there is too much of their past looking them in the eyes?  I get how difficult it can be to let go of the past, but once again it's because you have not picked up on the lesson that you were supposed to learn from having gone through what you just went through.  Trust me, you will continue to go round the barn until you learn what you were intended to learn.

Letting go is much easier when you realize the cost of holding on to something that no longer serves you.  Letting go of past hurt is much easier when you realize that even after the hurt you're still around.  It didn't kill you, and if you're really looking for the silver lining then being here means you survived, and survival is a whole lot better then the alternative.  Find the silver lining, find the joy, look at the promise of better tomorrows.  If you can do this, then letting go is a whole lot easier, and as you learn to let go, then you are able to move forward.  Moving forward in those things that really make life worth living is really what we all need to be doing.

I've had to let go of much hurt and much failure in my life.  When I finally made the decision to find the joy in situations, then I was able to be free from the bondage that had wrapped me up in a whole lot of nothing.  When you get wrapped up in not letting go of something you are stopping any possibility of forward progress.  If you are like most people, standing around waiting for something to happen is not fun.  Sadly most people's minds move to the negative when things are taking too long to come about.  Stop the worry, stop the negativity, and simply let go.  When you can let go of other's expectations, of your own expectations, then and only then will you be able to move forward and be the person you were meant to be.  Letting go is a whole lot easier then many have been lead to believe it is.  We have all been hurt, and we have all failed, but since you are reading this, then I guess you're still alive, and that just goes to prove that failure is hardly ever fatal.  Look past the failure, look past the hurt, and know that letting go of both is your opportunity to move ahead of it all.

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