Sunday, April 21, 2019

When in the course of human events....
It was a Thursday in 1776 when the United States of America declared her independence from Britain. There have been other countries who have declared independence for various reasons.  Independence has been echoed through the hallowed halls of Congress for nearly 250 years.  People at the time of the original signing wanted, desired, and longed for a better life, and they only saw one way of getting it.  Let me ask you this: have you ever considered independence?  Have you ever desired to be freed from the expectations that others have placed on you?  Have you yearned for a period when you could do it your own way, in your own time frame, and the way you just feel in your heart is the right way to do something?

There is nothing worse in life then feeling trapped.  Life is difficult because we have been told what to do, how to do it, and with each demand comes expectations.  How many times have you just wanted to be free from what others expected of you?  I'm not talking about not being responsible, what I'm talking about is being free from others thoughts of what is right for you.  Let's face it, there are many times in each life when we need help, but what we don't need is someone taking control of our life when that someone hasn't a clue as to what really makes you tick, nor do they care what motivates you, or what dreams you have.  Every person will ultimately have to decide whether to go with the flow or whether to declare their independence.  Every person will have to decide what is most important to them and if what they hope for is worth turning away from what everyone else thinks is the only way to go.

I have always been an outsider.  I was the one who would question authority.  I didn't question things because I wanted to be a smart ass.  I questioned things because what they were saying didn't make sense and it certainly didn't radiate with what my spirit was telling me.  I had to declare my independence from the world's expectation and tell those who wanted to control me that there would be no more of that.

If there was a guarantee of success would you drop everything right now and follow your dreams?  If there was a guarantee of happiness would you chase after your dreams and never stop running after them?  If there was a guarantee of unlimited happiness would you say good-bye to the old and usher in the new?  Now I've been told so many times in the past that there are no guarantees in life.  Maybe there aren't, but maybe there are.  I know who and what I am.  I am a created being.  I've been around since the beginning of time and will be around until the end of time.  I'm energy, and as such I can not be created nor can I be destroyed.  Now I know some people will think I have gone out of my mind, but how can you argue with science.  We are all energy.  Every bit of energy that is here right now has always been and will always be.  So what does any of that have to do with independence?  Think about the real you.  What are you?  You're not just flesh and blood.  We are spiritual beings who happen to occupy a mortal body.  You don't have to be subjects to a group of people who refuse to accept the greatness of their being, thereby simply going through life like everyone else before them. We are created beings with the ability to create.  We are so much more then mere human beings.  If you can grasp the greatness of your own existence then you can be independent from the expectations of others.  If you can see your true essence then you can declare your independence from those who refuse to be who they were intended to be.

I have tried to fit into what others thought I should do, or should be.  I've tried as hard as I could to do what I thought others wanted or expected of me.  I finally declared my own independence.  I wasn't happy being everything to everyone, and never being free to be the real me.  I declared my independence from the world's expectations of me.  I declared my own freedom to be who I know I am meant to be, the person I was always intended to be.  I am so blessed to be able to do what I love most and that is write.  Had I never separated myself from the expectations of others I never would have began writing and my happiness would never have fully been mine.  I embrace my happiness and I desire you to embrace your own happiness.

The time has come to declare your own Independence.  Now that doesn't mean you can't seek out the assistance of others or that you can't listen to advice.  It means that you give yourself the freedom to do things the way you know they need to be done even when that way may be contrary to the way others think it should be done.  You of all people know your dreams and desires better then anyone, why would you ever allow others to take control of those dreams and desires?  My dear friends it's time to start accepting that you do know what you want, that you can in fact accomplish your dreams, and that true happiness is rightfully yours.  Become independent and see if life doesn't change in a very positive way.  This year is a year of new beginnings, but new beginnings for old dreams and ideas that we allowed others to rob from us.  Dreams and Ideas never change, so you can pick them back up and not worry that they are no longer for you.  Declare that you are free and see how things change for you in the blink of an eye.

P.S.  If ever there was a time to step out into those things you know to be for you, now is that time.  When we declare our independence we are finally saying that we are what is most important.  If we never discover who we really are can we ever be that person who can change the world and help others around us achieve their dreams and desires?  Declaring your independence is not a selfish act it in fact is selfless.  When you walk in your destiny you will begin to encourage others to walk in theirs.  Helping one discover their destiny is in fact one of the single most important acts of kindness you will ever give to them.  Think about that and lets declare our own independence.

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