Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Three Blind Mice.

So why three blind mice?  Well there are a few things that many people are blinded to, or simply refuse to look at.  What are these three things you ask, I'll tell you.  There are millions of people who are blind to who they really are. There are millions of people who are blind to what they are supposed to do.  There are millions of people who simply do not want to see what is important in life and why they are missing the boat.  Do you fit into any of these groups?  If you do, don't loose heart, it's never too late to change things up.  What I want to do today is to get you ready to change things up so you no longer walk around blindly to the things that are most important in this life.

I want to start out by saying that I am in no way judging someone for where they are in their life.  What I am trying to accomplish is to get people to get the most out of life.  Sadly there is only a small percentage of people who are truly happy with where they are at in this moment.  I'm not saying you can't be happy, what I'm saying is that if you really are honest with yourself you have a bunch of should have, would have, and could haves in your life.  What if you had done this one thing?  I wish I had done this other thing.  If only I could have done this...  No one is immune from these things in their life.  There are plenty of things I wish I had done differently in life, but even so, I still learned from each thing that I didn't do, and for that I am grateful.

Who are you?  What are you?  Do you even realize the significance of you being here right now?  So, so many people are walking around blind to what should be so evident in their lives.  We have been created to create.  We don't believe this because we have been conditioned to believe that we are just human and we have to accept everything handed to us.  What do you really want to do in life?  I'm not talking about what you might be trapped in right now out of necessity.  I'm talking about that deeply embedded thought of what life could be like if only you did this one thing.  What is the one thing that you just can't let go of, that dream, that feeling of how great life would be if only you did this one thing?  There is a reason that this nagging thought never leaves you.  There is a reason you always seem to come back to that one thought of something you should be doing.  There is a reason you can't let go of that dream, even if you never speak about this dream to a single person.

The real tragedy in life is never going after that one thing that would truly make you happy.  So many people have settled for second best, and that saddens me.  Let's be real and honest, you know when you have settled.  Once again, no judgment on my part.  What I want you to see is that settling does not have to come into play.  How great would life be if you were living in the perfect place, doing the perfect job, and having the perfect family?  Now what your life looks like, and where you live and who surrounds you is entirely up to you, but shouldn't we all have the chance to really have what is best in life?

I have sought after things that I thought would make me happy in life.  Once I obtained them I still found that I wanted more.  It wasn't that I didn't have enough, it was that I didn't really have what I was looking for.  Honestly if having money, and a big house, and a fancy car was enough, why then do people who have all three, why are they still seeking more?  Why are they not happy?  Happiness is knowing who you are.  Happiness is knowing what you are.  Happiness is knowing that you are doing what you were created to do.  Trust me, when you know these three things, you could be living in a cardboard box, and you would feel like the most important, and luckiest person on the face of the planet.

It is time to take off the blinders and realize that you, as a creation of the creator of the Universe,  have unlimited power.  It is time to take off the blinders and realize that stuff is not the answer to life's happiness.  It is time to remove the blinders and see just who you are.  Think about a world where every individual knew the significance of their being.  Picture a world where we looked not on what we didn't have, but rather what we could do for others.  Imagine a entire planet where individuals understood their destiny, and worked to help others achieve their destiny.  I dare say we would be in a whole lot better shape if we did that.

I challenge you to think about these things. Think about those deeply held desires and dreams and for once give yourself permission to go after them.  Think about all the things you feel you have left undone or left behind and simply move forward, knowing that the opportunity will present itself once again so you might have what you desire.  Take a moment and just be thankful that you are alive right now and you have the opportunity to reach the highest level of personal understanding.  I tell you this, once you grasp the significance of your being, once you begin to walk in your destiny, then you will understand the Universe's perfection, and the perfection of you.  Take off the blinders my dear friend and begin to live life it was always intended to be lived.

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