Friday, March 1, 2019

Over the top!!
Is it possible to dream too big?  Is it possible to loose yourself in your dreams?  Is it possible to have all you ever wanted and then some?  I've asked myself all of these questions many times in my life.  There have been times when I answered differently to one or more of these questions.  I guess the way you answer these questions is going to be largely dependent upon where you are at the moment.  Personally I don't think you can ever dream too big.  I am a believer that dreams are in our lives to lead us to a particular point.  Now there may be times when dreams seem far, far away, but they are still something you think about and there's nothing wrong with that.

I've had people criticize me for dreaming to big.  As some have said, my dreams are over the top.  Over the top for who?  I don't think they're over the top for me, and if they're not over the top for me then I guess I should still go after them, right?  So many people who feel some people dream too big are the very same people who have probably given up on their dreams.  I get how one might want to quit on their dreams.  Life has a way of kicking us in the you know what, and if you get kicked hard enough there's always that chance you might decide that certain things just aren't worth it.  Funny thing about dreams; they don't go away.  You may successfully forget about a dream for a period of time, but I'll bet you dimes to donuts that the dreams you've had and discarded will ultimately come back to look at you right in the face.

Why is it that some people refuse to accept their own dreams, but are more then willing to cheer on others as they pursue theirs?  This has always been a mystery to me.  Sadly there are people who refuse to acknowledge that they have dreams.  Contrary to what some may think and say, we all have dreams.  Certainly there will be people who will not own their dreams, or even speak of them, but you can rest assured we all have dreams.  Some dreams are small and others huge, but a dream is a dream, is a dream.  I've seen people who try to morph their dreams into another persons dream.  Note to self:  that doesn't work.  You have your dreams for a very specific reason, and trying to tie them into someone else is not the way to do it.  Trust me, once a dream is accomplished the answer as to why you had the dream in the first place will be answered.  There is no coincidence when it comes to our own dreams.

So why am I spending so much time writing about dreams?  Sadly, there are too many people who have given up, and I for one want to help them get back into the fight.  Let's say your dream is simple and not at all inspiring, at least you don't think it's inspiring, so what!  Each dream, no matter how big or small is a stepping stone.  You can't get down the path of destiny if you always step away from the steps that are in front of you.  Why in the world would you want to walk around in the willwacks when there is a clear path in front of you?  Why do so many people make things complex when they really are so simple?  Once again, one of life's mysteries.

I want to remind each of you that everything you see today, be it simple or complex, began with a dream from someone.  The web page you are on to read these words, stated with a dream.  The phone, or pad, or computer, started with a dream.  Everything has a start, question is, will you finally start going after what you have dreamt about for years?  Timing is important, but starting something is just as important, and if the timing is off, you'll know, but you still have the opportunity to start it over at the right time.  The old adage, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again", is appropriate wouldn't you say?

Now least you feel you are all alone when it comes to going after your dreams, fear not.  I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to putting things off.  You see we put things off because often we are scared of the outcome.  We are frightened of failing.  We are shackled to those old feelings of we aren't good enough and it won't work out.  I deal with these feelings all the time, and most everyone else does as well.  Don't let fear stop you from going after those things that mean the most to you.  I'm talking as much to myself right now as I'm talking to you.  I have big dreams, over the top dreams, and there are times when I need words of encouragement spoken so I don't give up.  We are all human, but we are all great humans, and we can't forget that.  We were created to create, so don't you think it's time to start putting the pedal to the metal and move ahead with your dreams?

Dreams will always be around because you will always be around.  The moment you give up on your dreams is the day you begin to die slowly.  Dreams will keep you young at heart.  Dreams will inspire you to continue on.  Dreams will ultimately be what gets you to your destiny.  Who doesn't want to walk in and understand their own destiny?  Who simply wants to go through life never experiencing joy and pure happiness because you have achieved a goal or dream comes to pass?  If you say it's not important to you then I would say you've given up way to soon.  Life is a grand experiment and we are the subjects of that experiment.  Why not take the experiment as far as you can and get the most out of it.  I'm telling you, dreams are there to move you forward.  A real dreams should bring you goose bumps when you think about it coming to pass.  There is nothing better then sitting back and seeing a dream come true.  Your dreams may seem too big or too over the top, but don't let that scare you.  You have the right dreams, and you are the right person to see them come to pass.  Get out there and experience life to the fullest, and grab your dreams and never let go.

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