Friday, March 8, 2019

Bright, brighter, brightest.
Do you remember those old light bulbs that with each turn of the knob they would get brighter and brighter.  There it was, bright, brighter, brightest.  It was a fantastic invention as there were times when you just wanted a little light and other times when you wanted it to radiate throughout the entire room.  Well would you believe that you can have that same reaction with others?  There are times when we simply exist, not showing much of anything.  There are other times in our life when we are at full power and our illumination lights up the entire room.  We control how our light is administered, and we should always be in control of what we are showing others around us.

The question arises then what to do when your desire to shine just doesn't exist?  Face it, there are times when we're just out of it.  You could be looking out into the ozone somewhere, zoning.  We've all been there.  Our flame seems to be out.  Now this can be the result of so many different things.  Most of the time it happens when we are feeling less then satisfied with where we are, what we are doing, and most importantly, where we are going.  Fear not my friends, this is not a death sentence.  We all face those times when things aren't going according to plan.  We all have those days when it might have been better to stay in bed and just sleep it off.  Heck, we've all been in those situations where we just don't have an answer.  Fortunately this has a simple fix.

When you are faced with the situation when things just aren't going according to plan, go back to your happy place.  That happy place should be where you are able to recognize who and what you are, and that you are here for a purpose, a reason.  The amount of light that you put off is in direct proportion to the amount of light you let into your own life.  Remember that love begets love, light begets light, and the more of each you allow to enter into your own life then the more you can transfer to others.  Unfortunately there are many people out there who refuse to let love in.  They claim they don't need love.  Those that claim they don't need love are probably the same people who have never really experienced it.  Don't fool yourself, you will never achieve all that you want to achieve without love pulsing through you.  You'll never be able to accomplish your big dreams if you aren't sharing love with others.

When you are walking around in darkness it's awful hard to know what is in front of you.  When you are walking around in darkness it's nearly impossible to move in the correct direction.  Darkness is nothing more then the absence of light.  What is better: walking in light or staying in the darkness? Some people feel they have to stay in the dark, not true.  Light is so much more powerful then darkness.  If you don't believe me try lighting a tiny match in a dark room.  Trust me the light will overtake the darkness.  I feel as though most people have had dark moments in their lives.  Now most are able to come through these moments, but there are others who are in perpetual darkness.  I think a life in perpetual darkness is not much of a life at all.

So the obvious question is how does one go from bright to brighter, to brightest?  First you have to accept you.  If you are constantly trying to be something you're not then you are going to have a very difficult time lighting up a room.  Authenticity is so key, and yet too many people try to get through life being someone else.  If you can't find it in yourself to love your self, then what makes you think you'll be able to receive love from someone else.  We are perfect simply because our creator is perfect.  The sooner you can accept that you are indeed a very special person, the sooner you will begin to radiate light to others.  I don't know why so many people have an issue with someone who is confident in who they are.  I know that I am someone who has amazing gifts and talents.  I'm not saying that to brag, I'm saying that because it's true.  That being said, it's no less true for you as well.  We have all been given tremendous gifts and talents. Problem is someone down the line said we shouldn't be so high on ourselves.  Well I'm here to tell you to begin being high on yourself.  You are special, you are unique, and you are so incredibly gifted and talented it's almost scary.

If you want to turn up the energy in a room, turn up your energy.  If you want light to shine, shine your light.  You control how much you give out.  You have been given a tremendous opportunity.  You have the opportunity to change the world.  Yes, you!  The time has come to crank it up a notch or two.  There are people who are walking around in darkness because they either don't know any other way or they have yet to walk into you.  Your light must become their light.  Your strength must become their strength.  There are plenty of people out there with wants, maybe it's time you showed them what light means and what that light can do.

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