Monday, March 27, 2017

What if tomorrow never came?
This is not a thought that crosses too many minds in a given day, but what if tomorrow never came?  If you knew that you only had twenty-four hours left, what would be going through your mind?  If you are like 99.9% of the population you're probably thinking about telling your employer that you're out of there and you are going to do something you've always wanted to do.  You might think about that far off place that has always intrigued you and dream of what it would be like to be there.  Most everyone would tell those closest to them that they love them and that they have provided you with endless joy and love in your life.

Here's your chance to do each of these things while you have an undetermined amount of twenty-four hour days in front of you.  There is nothing worse then looking back at things and wondering what could have been.  What if you had taken those chances and done something completely out of the norm?  There are so many people that are stuck in a pattern of wanting something different yet they never seem to be willing to do what it takes to get out of this pattern and then wonder why life has seemingly passed them by.  Well life doesn't have to pass you by and you need to believe that your dreams and desires are just as valid as the other person's.

I've spent the last five or six years thinking about destiny.  I've written about it, talked about it, dreamt about it, and yes I have been so blessed to have been able to live it.  What I desire for each of you right now is that you take the steps required for you to step into your destiny and experience the life that was always there for you.   Ask yourself this simple question:  are you really happy with your life right now?  When I say happy I mean that happiness that only comes when you know you are doing what was meant for you to do.  Sadly there are many people who still have not been able to step out into their destiny because their dreams have been smashed by others around them.  If your passion is something a little outside of the norm, who cares?  People may laugh at your desires, they may mock your dreams, but what they can't and should never do is strip you of what is at your core.  I've worked many jobs in my life and while I have loved many of them, I have never found contentment until I began doing what I knew was at my core.  What is at your core?  What one thing, if presented to you right now, would change your life forever?  There is not a single person on the face of the earth that does not have this "One Thing" and today is the perfect day to begin to recognize what it is in your life.

I used to say that I wasted so much time doing other things, but then I realized that what I have gone through in my life was not a waste, but a lesson.  If you can learn from each lesson, then waste is not a word that will ever be used to describe what you have gone through.  Not every lesson is going to be knee slapping happy times, but each lesson has a purpose and the sooner you can grab hold of this the sooner you will take the next step forward in your development.

I've had the opportunity to speak to thousands of people about destiny.  Sadly there have been only a minimal amount of those people who feel they are walking in their destiny.  If I had to venture a guess, and mind you this is only my intuition talking, but I would say that less then five percent of the  population of this planet is walking in their destiny.  Now there are many, many who are heading in the right direction, but there are so many who are still stuck in doing what they feel they have to do just to get by, and by getting by I mean simply surviving.  I'm so sick and tired of just surviving.  I've been there and let me tell you it takes far more energy to simply survive then it does to really live life to the fullest.

If you only do one thing new today let that one thing be thinking about what you would do if you knew that tomorrow was never going to get here.  Now some wise ass will say they would go out and buy an expensive car writing a check that is never going to clear because quite frankly they will not be around to worry about it.  I'm not advocating something dumb like that.  What I am saying is why not start out by being honest and really being open to those things that have been buried deep within your heart.  When I think about writing, when I think about giving a speech in front of thousands my heart soars like a hawk.  It brings me immense joy to think about touching a life and getting that person to see that there is so much more to life then simply staying put and doing what everyone else expects you to do.

St. Francis once said when asked the question what he would do if he knew he was going to die tomorrow, responded that he would continue to tend his garden.  Why?  Because he knew he was doing what he was created to do.  If I knew this was my last day then I would continue to write, continue to talk about destiny and I would smile because I have the opportunity to do what I love.

It's time to find the one thing you truly love and take a step toward it.  Your destiny awaits you and once you begin this journey your life will change forever.  Life is indeed a journey of discovery and that discovery is what your new mission must be.  You can do this, and when you do, you will never ever worry about what tomorrow will bring you.

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