Monday, March 20, 2017

New Seasons, New Beginnings!
Well it's the first day of Spring.  Granted there's still plenty of snow out there, but if you are constantly looking at what is going on around you, you are going to miss all the fantastic stuff that is going on in the inside.  Spring time is that very special time when we get to get back to basics.  We begin doing those things again that we had put away for the winter months.  Certainly there may be some dust and things will have to be cleaned up, but soon it will be as good as new, and life will progress through yet another season.

Through out my years Spring Time has always brought me a sense of newness.  It always seems like the perfect time of year to begin new ventures.  Spring brings with it a new clarity, new purpose, and to many the shedding off of old things that haven't worked and the putting on of new things with the hope that this will be the beginning of something just perfect.  Spring also represents that time when we shake off the Winter Doldrums and our thoughts are occupied with almost anything other then what we just went through. Today is the perfect day to ask yourself, what do I really want out of life?  What is the one thing that if placed in front of you would change your life forever?  What is the one thing that if you were doing it right now would bring instant peace, joy, and happiness?   Now if you can't think of anything, then maybe you have to do some more shaking off of things.  Trust me, your hearts desire is never going to change, because you hearts desire is all about your destiny, and no matter what you do, what you feel, or even what you may say, your destiny is never going to change because your destiny is why you are here in the first place.

I was thinking the other day about what newness means.  I was thinking about what was taking place around me even if what was taking place was yet able to be seen with my own eyes.  I know that the spring flowers are doing their thing, even if those things are still buried beneath the ground.  I may not see what is happening, but I know for a fact it is.  The same can be said about things in your life.  You may not be seeing all that you want to see in the moment, but rest assured the Universe is orchestrating things in your life right now that need to be.  What you have to do is accept what is being designed and realize that it is happening for your betterment.  Enlightenment is not merely being opened to things that are right in front of you, but rather being opened to things that have yet to be seen, but yet you have a sense that they are still very real, and very much for you.  We are entering into a new period of enlightenment, and if you desire to be a part of this season they you are going to have to let go of some of the conditioning you have been subjected to and look at things just a little differently.  Enlightenment is knowing something even when everything around you is saying something else.

What are some of the things you are hoping for in this season of your life?  If you had the ability to snap your fingers and poof there it was, what would the "it" be?  This is a time when you are going to have to be specific as the Universe loves specifics and quite honestly we have gotten away from being specific in lieu of simple generalities.  The Power of Intention can not be overstated.  There have been so many times in my life where I have painted myself into a corner simply because of the words I've used or the feelings that I have sent out.  Hard as it may be to believe, but we do in fact dictate much of what goes on in our life by the words we say, and by our beliefs, either limiting or unlimited.

I want to encourage you today to allow this change of seasons to be the start of change in your life.  Set your expectations and don't let others talk you out of them.  You are the one who has to live your life.  Of course there are things we do for others because that is what we do, but when it comes to your own destiny, there is no one who knows better then yourself, and you need to listen to what your heart is telling you.  I understand that there will be times when you are seeking out answers and those answers seem to be miles away.  I get how frustrating it can be at times when you're waiting for the perfect time to do the perfect thing, in the perfect way, and yet you have made no forward progress.  The simple truth is you can't change a thing that happened yesterday, last week, last year, or even five minutes ago.  What you can do is set things up for what is going to be coming to you in the next five minutes, five days, five weeks, or even five years.

So as we enter this new season, let this be the season that you open up to the newness of opportunity and possibilities that are out there for you.  I've said this so many times in the past, "You have not because you ask not, and You ask not because you don't believe."  It's time to start believing in your dreams, your desires, and your destiny.  Each of these things are in you to get you closer to the place you were always meant to be.  I love the newness of each season, not only the seasons of the year, but the seasons of our life.  Boldly step out into those things that are there for you and watch as the Universe opens doors for you that you quite frankly probably never thought possible.

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