Monday, March 13, 2017

The Last Hoorah!!
As I sit here this morning our region of the country is eagerly awaiting yet another Noreaster.  Well eagerly may not be the best descriptor of what awaits us, but what is one to do?  As hearty New Englanders we have grown accustomed to the late winter storms that seem to never give up.  I've always said that there are bragging rights for those of us who go through each winter, and after each winter we are always asking the question, is this the year we finally decide to high tail it out of the North for more tolerable weather in the south?

The seasons will ultimately change and after all is said and done, this winter will simply be a memory.  Where am I going with all of this?  That's a great question and here is my answer:  in order to have a true harvest we have to go through the planting process.  After the planting we go through the trimming, the weeding, and finally we are the recipient of the harvest.  Such is life for every individual.  Have you done what you need to do to get yourself to your own harvest?  I was taught as a very young boy that if something is worth having then it's worth working for.  Face it, the average person is not going to have their dreams simply handed over to them on a silver platter.  Most people have to work for what they want.  Sometimes things come easy and other times it's like pulling teeth.  The key to any successful endeavor is your own willingness to work through each process.

I understand that there will be times when all you want to do is give up.  There comes a time when the struggles, the despair, and the fear have gripped you so firmly that there doesn't seem to be anything that can be done to rid yourself of this awful existence.  Trust me, each event, each step is an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson.  Certainly there are lessons we would rather not go through, but learning is learning no matter how often you are forced to go through something.  Sadly most people focus on the negative and not the positive.  Believe it or not there is always positive even when things seem negative.  If you can find the joy in any situation, then joy is what will come back to you, the Universal Law of Attraction will see to that.

There are so many people today who find themselves at a crossroad.  If they do one thing then the outcome will be this way, and if they do another thing, then the outcome will be entirely different.  The problem with being at a crossroad is not so much making the decision what direction to go in, but rather just making a decision.  You can sit and watch, and sit and watch until the cows come home, but if you refuse take a step, then continue to be at the crossroads you will be.  Don't allow the possibility of making the wrong move stop you from even trying.  Once again even a bad experience is a learning experience.

There have been many instances in my life when I was ready to thrown in the towel.  I had fought and fought, and fought some more, only to be left standing in the very same location I started at.  There have been times when the journey seemed to be endless, and yet the ground I was occupying was not changing in the slightest.  Now this can get a person down, after all we are human, but the one thing that will never change in my life is the knowledge of what I was sent here to do.  It's amazing to watch the times we are in and as I look at individuals I realize that this time is one of joyful expectation and exuberance.  Why you ask?  Because the opportunities and possibilities for each of you is endless, and with endless opportunity and possibilities comes a newness to each of you.

I'm not looking forward to the storm that is bearing down on us, but what I know is this:  after tomorrow and the next day we will be that much closer to spring, and after spring we get to enter summer.  The thoughts of nice warm nights watching the ocean roll up against our shores is certainly something to look forward to.  If you find yourself in the middle of a storm right now, then know that after a storm comes calmness and in that calmness comes a new clarity.  It might be a clarity of purpose, it might be an enlightening of who and what you are, it might just be a little nudge that says you are heading in the right direction and bravo to you for taking the next step.  When you look back on the Winter of 2017 what will you remember?

Let me leave you with this little golden nugget, and it is my hope that this little bit of insight will put a smile on your face, a snap to your step, and a feeling in your heart that all is not lost and the hope for a better tomorrow is just as real to you today as it ever was.   The simple fact that you are still hear on this earth is proof positive that there are still things left for you to do.  You have all you need to be the person you were created to be.  Your talents, your gifting, and yes even your little idiosyncrasies are what make you special and who you are.  Your dreams of what you want to do are there because you are fully equipped to accomplish them.  The Creator of the Universe is not prone to folly so what you have been charged to do you have been equipped to do.  As you move forward each day, then you will understand that you are one day closer to your destiny.  We will get through this storm and after we have shoveled out, after we have warmed up, we will look back and be grateful that we have had the opportunity to brag about our great abilities to overcome, to adapt, and to move forward even in the wildest of time.

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