Monday, January 30, 2017

You've got to know when to hold, and know when to fold.
There comes a time when decisions have to be made.  A time when the direction of your life will play it self out, and a time when what you thought was going to be, ends up not "being" at all.  Wouldn't it be great if everything was perfect and never a set-back or disappointment occurred?

I've watched over the last view weeks as this nation seems to be tearing at the seams.  Half the country wants this direction, while the other half wants another.  I've seen friend pitted against friend, and some friendships ended because one group was more successful then the other group.  I'm watching as this country becomes more and more divided, and to be honest it has set a fire in my belly that quite frankly needed to be set.

Everyone is talking about love winning out, yet what I am witnessing is anything but love.  I'm going to be pretty frank today and if this blog offends some people I make no apologies for it.  If anyone knows me, they know that I speak from my heart, and I speak the truth as I know it.  First things first:  true love begins with the understanding of who and what we are.  We are spiritual beings who just happen to inhabit a mortal body.  There are many who will never understand true spirituality.  There are others who have begun their trek toward spiritual understanding, and there are many who have made the leap to enlightenment.  Where you fall on the scale is up to you, but not understanding the significance of your being is what is tearing us apart.

I was having a discussion with a close friend yesterday.  Both her and I are at a crossroads, and as we were talking it was becoming clear to each of us that the things that are happening right now are happening for a reason and we were both at the right place at the right time with the messages that are resonating in our own spirit.  There is a huge divide but there are loving, spiritually centered people, who have been positioned to close the gap.  There are loving individuals whose only desire is for others to understand what true love is all about.  My calling is to inspire others to reach for their destiny, to understand the reason for their being here right now.  Each of us has a calling, and I will tell you that spewing hate and discontent is never a part of a true calling.

If you look back at history one would have to be an idiot not to recognize some of the dreadful things that have taken place in our history.  The way we have treated certain classes of people is abysmal.  When one group of people tries to overpower and dominate another group simply because they feel they are superior is nothing short of horrific.  If you look back at our history you would have to be an idiot not to recognize that we have made big mistakes by not seeing people for who and what they truly are.  Here in lies the problem:  how can one see people for who they really are when individuals don't have a clue as to who they are?  If you continually see yourself as a failure, as a nothing, how in the world will you ever be able to see the best in others.  You have to see the best in yourself if you are ever going to see what is best in the world.

As I watch the division in our country I have to wonder what some of the people are thinking.  If every person in our country knew how special they were, how incredibly gifted they were, and how unique they were, do you think we would be watching the division grow and grow?  Instead of tearing people down why aren't we lifting them up?  Why aren't we doing whatever we can do to help someone achieve an understanding of their own greatness?

I've been following social media in-depth the last few weeks and let me tell you I've never seen such hate and discontent in my life.  Now I'm not a Dem or a Republican.  I like some of what each party stands for, but I try to be tolerant of each side simply because I would hope others would be tolerant of my stands and beliefs.  What I am seeing right now is anything but tolerance, and it's not getting any better.  I would hope that I'm not the only one that feels this way.  Why is it we have people who truly hate another person and that hate is trumping everything else?  That last statement was not a pun I assure you.

I can't change who is sitting in the Oval Office.  The county has spoken and contrary to what you may say or think, we have a President, and even if you claim he is not, let me assure you, he is.  Why don't we find the areas we can agree on, work on them, and maybe see if there isn't another area that we can come close to an agreement on.  If we work together, then together we can see the changes we desire.  If we remain divided I assure you things will only get worse.  I love this country and I love the fact that I can pursue my dreams.  If we all went after our dreams and didn't get side tracked by other detractors do you think we might see something different going on right now?  I don't know about you but I am tired of the divisiveness.  I'm tired of one party crapping on the other, and I'm so tired of always having to dissect the truth from the lies.

I know that today's blog is a little different, but these are different times we live in and someone has to bring a calm into the picture.  We can get through this, but it will only happen when we all become more familiar with our greater side, and trust me there are many, many people out there who have forgotten, or have never begun to see the greater side of who they are.  It is time to heal our land and that healing will begin once you begin to heal as well.

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