Monday, February 6, 2017

Never give up, not even when it looks impossible.
How many of you have unfulfilled dreams?  Of those who have unfulfilled dreams, do you still think about them?  Of those who still think about unfulfilled dreams, do they still move you when you think about them?  To those who still filled moved by your dreams, guess what, it's time to bring life back to them and not give up.

We each have dreams because we are supposed to do something with those dreams.  Our dreams stick around simply because our destiny sticks around, and no matter what you do, your destiny is never going to leave you, nor will you ever be able to shake it simply because you may have failed a time or two in the past.

I was watching the Super Bowl last night, and  boy was it a wake up call to me in so many ways.  I have a routine on game day where I put on my jersey, my game hat (which is always turned around), and I never shave on game day.  Yes I know some will think it superstitious, but it works so I'm sticking to it.  If my team is loosing at halftime then I always take the jersey and hat off to change the "Mojo".  At one point last night I had to turn the TV to a different station if only to save my TV from a remote being thrown into it.  Not proud that I act this way, but when you love a team you seem to live and die by that team.  I was in the kitchen and I was reminded that the Pats won the game on the last play of the Seahawks/Patriot Super Bowl.  With that I went back and put the game back on and proceeded to see what some have classified as the greatest comeback of all time.  I say all that to say this:  never give up, not even when it looks impossible.

Most everyone I know has been challenged in the past.  Most people have suffered loss, or at least suffered defeat in some shape, fashion, or form.  The key to any set-back, loss, or defeat, is your ability to work through it, pick yourself up off the ground, and move forward.  The key to any success is based solely on how much do you really believe in what you are doing.  Don't misunderstand, there are things that will get in your way and there will be times when things simply don't go your way.  That being said, if the dream is still alive in you, then there will come a time when you will have to tackle it again.  Now if you really don't believe in your dreams, then it's pretty much a mute point and there really isn't any reason to be crying over a loss.  On the other hand if that dream is still burning inside of you, then no loss is ever going to stop you from taking another swing at it.

I've been guilty of tossing off a dream or two in the past after failing or experiencing a set-back.  I would justify the loss by saying something like it wasn't really what I wanted so no big loss.  Granted there have been a few things that really weren't what I wanted so tossing them off was easy.  There have been however some things that were not so easy to toss on the garbage pile, and I had to really dig deep to try again.  It's nearly impossible to walk away from a dream, especially when that dream is what is ultimately going to lead you to your destiny.  You can try to let go, you can change things up, you can even justify inaction by claiming its for the greater good, but it's never going to change the fact that you will still be drawn to your dreams until the day you die.

Is there a difference between a winner and a loser?  Some say yes, some say no, and some have never really given it much thought.  I would think that no matter what side of the win or loss you may fall on, you still had a dream, and you still wanted to achieve that dream.  The winner will find a way to tackle it again, the loser will simply pack up, go home, and will try to design an excuse as to why they really didn't want, what they really wanted.

It's easy to give up or give in, especially when things aren't going your way.  It's easy to play the "what if" game after things have settled down.  The things that aren't so easy are the things that often require the most attention, and the things that we may not want to revisit. It all comes down to how bad do you want something, and do you truly believe that these things are what you want.  Are they?  Do you really want those things you dream about?  Let's be real, we tell people we want things, we talk to others about our dreams, but do you really want them?  If you really do desire to have the things in your heart, then giving up is never going to be an option you settle for.

I've won, I've lost, and even though winning is much more fun, loosing can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.  Granted loosing is hardly ever fun, but loosing can be the launching pad for something very, very good in your life.  Never give up, never give in, and never ever doubt that dreams are stepping stones to your destiny.  Had I not turned the TV back to the game I would have never witnessed the come back, and that would have been two games in a row that I missed out.  Don't miss out simply because you gave up, even when things looked impossible.

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