Monday, January 23, 2017

When will it all end?
We are living in a broken system.  We are living in a time where love and trust has been broken.  We are living in a time when many will ask, "when will it all end?"  When will the hate stop?  When will the division stop?  When will the people come together with one vision, one hope, and with one mind and heart?  If you are standing in the corner, holding your breath,  waiting for each of these things to happen, you may turn blue long before the events ever take place. That doesn't mean they won't happen, it just means we are a ways away from this country being united in anything.

I stepped away from politics several years ago.  The main reason was I was tired and had been active for many years.  My one desire those many years ago was that one day I would be able to witness a country that was truly united.  A country with one vision, one hope, and yes, one heart.  During this most recent election cycle I have seen the best in people, and I have seen the worst.  I have seen dreams dashed, and I have observed hopes fulfilled.  Sadly what I didn't see was unity.  We still live with those who hate, those who despise, and those who say and do awful, awful things.  I've observed all of this at almost every level of government, local, state, and federal.  Here's my question:  when will it end? When will the division end?  When will we finally learn that only when we operate out of one mind, will true prosperity and freedom come to everyone in our country.

I've watched social media since the election, and have seen it inch it's way up the discomfort level day by day.  People who will banish friends simply because they voted for the other "guy"or "gal".  I've seen people fearful of saying one thing because it may not be politically correct, or at least correct in the eyes of anyone who voted, once again, for the other "guy or gal".  I've seen what was labeled as a peaceful protest turn to destruction and hate.  This is not a country united. We are divided and we are broken.  When love is lost or broken, when there is no room for opposing views, all that is left is fear and disharmony.  I've had enough of this, and I have decided to step up my game and take a stand against it.

For the last five years I have been blogging and writing about destiny.  I've encouraged others to step back and determine what they truly desired out of life and have tried to usher in a new revival of vision and hope.  There's an old proverb that says a house divided cannot stand.  Well our country is a house divided.  We are governed by a group of people whose only priority is to either maintain a grip on power, or to obtain power.  These so called leaders have forgotten that government is by the people and for the people, and this must change.

Loving your country is loving everyone in your country.  Love is not based on whether you agree with them politically.  Love is not based on whether they belong to your political party.  Love is based on knowing the importance of each person, and realizing that each person has a destiny, and your only desire should be that each person walks in their destiny.  I can assure you that love is not the governing power behind much of what I have seen over the last three or four months. Hell, love has not governed this nation for many, many years.  It is any wonder we are in such a mess?

If you are as tired as I am of seeing all the hate and division in this country, in our own towns or cities, in our own states, then maybe you will join me in ushering in a new revival of love and understanding.  Face it, love and trust has been broken, and unless we fix it, we will never see what true unity and absolute love can do for us.  We are living in a time where everything is "Gotcha".  How can we spin things to look good or bad, when the truth is neither is good or bad, simply because we really haven't any truth to base things on.  We in this country have been sold such a bill of goods over the last twenty or thirty years.  We have taken one step forward, but ten steps back in terms of openness and acceptance.

If this country is ever going to move forward and be the country we know it can be then we must usher in a new spirit of love.  If this county is ever going to regain it's status as the Greatest Nation on earth then we are going to have to forget about what is best for me, and instead look at what is best for the masses, and let me tell you what is best for the masses is not what is happening right now.  We need to bring love and trust back to our cities and towns, back to our states, and then back to our nation.

When will it all end?  I'll tell you: it will all end when we put an end to personal greed and power grabbing.  It will all end when we finally make government accountable to the people of this nation.  It will all end when we take a stand and say no more.  It will all end when we finally believe that love is the only answer and anything shy of that is simply fodder and nonsense.  Ladies and gentlemen it is time we take back our country.  It is time we take back our cities and towns, and it is time we let love be the predominate driving force behind all that we do.  To that end, I am seriously thinking about getting back into the Political Arena.  We need people of substance.  Not perfect people, because none of us are perfect.  But honest, love driven people who are not looking for accolades but rather people who are simply looking to make this place a better place for all who live around us.  If you want to help me please reach out to me.  I will be looking at this in-depth and I will be making an announcement very, very soon.

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