Monday, January 16, 2017

What's Next?
We are living in ever changing times.  Just about the time you think something has stabilized you turn around and here comes the change.  Technology is changing so fast that what was current yesterday is ancient times today.  At the rate we are moving there's no telling what will be right around the next corner.

Here's the question that I have for you today:  are you seeking change, or wondering about what will be next, because you are really not thrilled with the place you find yourself in at this particular moment?  Certainly there are people who are always standing around waiting for the other shoe to drop.  They are the ones who see despair in almost everything, and they are the ones who are always wondering when Murphy's Law is going to manifest into their life.  On the other side of the coin is the person who is looking for what's next simply because they want to evolve.  These people are looking for ways to use their talents in the hopes of helping others around them be who they are supposed to be.  The "What's Next" club can have two faces and deciding which face to put on is totally up to you.

I love what Phil L. says about one's job.  I tend to look at it in a similar fashion but I also believe that the job should never define you, rather you should define the job.  I've said this so many times before but for today I hope you will show patience as I say it again.  Your self worth should never be based on what you do, nor should you be defined by the position you hold.  I am not my job.  My job is simply a function of what I do.  Sadly there are people out there whose self-worth is entirely wrapped up in what they do.  Society has done a pretty good job of placing worth on particular jobs or occupations.  If you are high up in the pecking order then you have more worth then the person at the bottom of the food chain.  I could care less what you do for work.  What I do care about is whether your work is bringing out the best in you or providing you with the platform you need to be the person you were intended to be.

I think there are two primary groups of people today.  The first group is the group who understands that change is ever present but this change is always meant to move them forward and closer to the place they are supposed to be in.  The second group, and this is the one that causes the most pain and discomfort, is the group where they always want more, always want different, and never seem to be content with anything.  Which group do you fall into?

There are so many people who are always looking toward tomorrow and what tomorrow might bring, and yet they never take the time to see what is already right in front of them.  Now don't get me wrong, I look ahead at things, but at the same time I am always thankful for those things that are present right now. Instead of always asking what is next, why not ask and seek out what is now?  Often the here and now is the one thing many want to run from, instead of learning from.  Granted some of the events of today, or even the events of tomorrow may never make it in the headlines, but these events are what have been orchestrated by the Universe to either teach you something, or get you to a particular point that you need to be at.

If there is one thing that I've learned over the years it's the simple truth that things are going to happen as they need to happen, and you will ultimately learn the things you need to learn, no matter what one might think or do.  I'm of the mindset that I would rather learn things as they need to be learned and stop trying to orchestrate everything.  There are those who always need to be in control of things, but you will never steal the control from the Universe, no matter how hard you try, or no matter how smart you may think you are.  The Universe is perfect, and in that perfection you will be where you need to be at, when you need to be there, and doing the things you need to do.

So you can spend a lot of time always asking what is next, in which case you will miss some very important things right here in the present, or you can grab hold of today and take what is yours.  I love that I get to write.  Writing is my mission, or at least part of my mission, and it is what I identify with.  What is your mission, and what do you identify with?  If you can't answer that question, know that you are not alone, but also know that there will come a time when you will have to answer it.  Knowing your mission, your purpose, is essential to you being the person you were placed here to be.  If you are always trying to figure out what is next because you have given up on what is now, then you will have a more difficult time.

When I am asking what is next I am asking from a point of anticipation for what I know is going to be a fantastic opportunity.  When I am asking what is next I simply am looking at my being able to do something that I always wanted to do.  When I ask what is next I know it comes from a place of having just completed something truly meaningful and now I get to do it again.  Yes there is a time and place to ask what is next, but the first step is to recognize your place in our universe, and acknowledging who and what you are.  Taking the next step is always fun, no matter what direction the step takes you.

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