Monday, January 9, 2017

We are a Country Divided.
We are in deed a country divided.  It all starts with a single individual, then moves to a family.  From the family we go to the town, maybe a city.  After the city it reaches the county level, and before you know it, the entire state is divided.  One would hope we could stop there, but no.  Once the state goes then it's on to the entire country, then continent, and ultimately the entire planet.  There are many ingredients that go into a divided country.  One is neither more or less important then the other, they all simply play a part in the division.

I bet you're  wondering what this is all about, as I rarely enter into the political arena in this blog.  Well let me tell you that I am not going to break my rule so I will not comment on what is going on within politics other than to say that I hope everything works out.  What I am going to focus on today is the reason we are a divided country, and if we are ever going to put the pieces back together again we are going to have to make some fundamental changes in each of us.

Here's the bottom line:  we are a divided country because we singularly are a divided person.  We are torn between what we know to be truth, our own truth, and the truth that others tell us we should believe in.  We are torn between what we would love to be doing, and what we are almost forced to do.  We are torn between our own destiny and the destiny that someone else is trying to design for you.  All of this is the start of division and all of this is what needs to be fixed if the rest of the division is to stop.

If you believe as I do that everything happens for a reason, then why are there so many people out there who are refusing to accept that the Universe is perfection and everything that is going on right now is what is supposed to be going on?  I get that more then half of this nation didn't vote for the other candidate.  I also get that feelings are very strong about what direction this country is either going in, or not going in depending on your political leanings.  I've watched with amazement at some of the actions that people have taken, are planning to take, in respects to the upcoming administration.  To be totally honest it breaks my heart.  I'm not here to tell you what to believe in, or even who is or isn't the best person suited to run this country.  What I am here to do is to get you to look at you first, and then make decisions based on what is best for you.  I will never stomp on someone's right to speak their mind.  I try to speak my mind every time I sit down to write. I don't expect everyone to believe every word I write, but these are my truths, and I hope that my thoughts will somehow help you discover what your own truths are.

We are a divided country because we have allowed others to rob us of us.  We have become so focused on being something we are not, that in the process we have lost the true essence of who and what we are, and why we are here.  You are not here to simply make it through each day.  You are not here to simply do what others want you to do.  You are here to do something very specific, but you must first discover and accept what that one thing is.  I've spent years and years being everything to everyone because I thought that was my role.  In the process of trying to be perfect I lost track of what was really important.  Your happiness, your survival is what is most important, and the only way you are ever going to experience true happiness is when you are doing what you were designed to do and start doing it.

Imagine for a moment a world where every single person was aware, accepting, and holding true to the reason they were placed here.  Imagine if you will a world where every individual was walking in their destiny.  The landscape of this planet would be completely different and the results would be staggering.  When you know the real you, the authentic you, then all of this other nonsense seems to pale in comparison.  We are a divided country because so many people are divided.  How many people do you know who simply hate what they do for a living?  How many people do you know, and maybe you should include yourself, who would give anything to start all over and not fall prey to what others expect?  How many people do you know who are just miserable and hate life in general? Is it any wonder we are divided?  Divided as a person, divided as a household, town, state, country, and planet, this has to change.

There is a tendency to want to give up when you see the division that exist.  Fight the urge to give up or give in, and instead look deep into your heart and accept that there is a very specific reason for your being here.  When you see the rest of the planet seemingly almost ready to self-destruct tell yourself that you have the answer, and the answer is you.  If each person accepts their own destiny then things will happen that need to happen, and when they do, all will be right.  The Universe knows what is going on and the Universe knows what will go on.  The question I have for you is will you be in the right place at the right time to do your part?

We no longer have to be divided, and if you agree with me that division never helped any cause move forward, then maybe just maybe you are at a place where you can help bring things back together again.  You think about it for a bit and get back to me with your answers.

1 comment:

  1. Scott, I like what you have to say. Your right, we do live in a Perfect Universe. Most do not see it because they do live in it with the eyes wide shut. Yet with yours/our willingness to forge ahead with enlightening the masses, we shall get there in time. Ghandi showed us it only takes one to start.

