Monday, November 28, 2016

There comes a time when....
You've got to believe that there will come a time when decisions will have to be made, actions will have to be taken, and even a time when you will simply have to lay low for a bit and watch as things happen around you.  There will also be a moment in time when you realize all of your dreams, and then life becomes just one big happy place for you.  Sadly there are many who will never experience the latter, not because they don't deserve it, but simply because they don't believe it.  There are many people who just don't have the ability to grasp the concept that life is not about defeat and unhappiness, but rather reaching for the stars and getting there.

There comes a time when each of us will have to accept certain truths.  Now these truths are not what others may have said or taught you.  These truths are not those things that may have been passed down from generation to generation.  These truths are universal truths and whether you believe them or not makes no difference.  You may not believe in the Law of Gravity, but your existence is affected by it each second of every day that you are walking on this planet.  The significance of your being here in this body, in this moment can not be over stated.  There are things that need to be accomplished and you quite frankly are the only one who can accomplish them.  Yes you!!  Each person has a destiny, and that destiny is the reason you are living and breathing right now.  Your destiny was etched out long before you took your first breath and your destiny is the only reason you are here right now.

When you look at history you will see those who have achieved great things.  Often we look at them and wonder what is it that differentiates them from those who seem to just exist?  What is it that allows them to reach certain milestones and why aren't others able to do the same thing?  Well the answer is quite simple; they believe.  They believe that they have a purpose and no matter how big or small the objective is, they will meet it.  Is achieving your dreams something that you have to earn, or is it something that is your birthright?  I believe that achieving or walking in your destiny is the only reason you are here right now.  If your destiny is to be the best parent, do you feel as though that this is just as important as the person who may aspire to be President?  The problem with most people is they have placed a value on destiny and if it isn't something grandiose then it's not valued.  Well let me tell you that until we get away from measuring things in man's way, we will always look at destiny as some sort of "Only for the truly privileged."  Destiny is for everyone and everyone has a destiny.  There are no more important or less desiring destinies, there are only destinies.

There will come a time, and hopefully it comes before you sit back and say I should have done this, or should have done that,  but there will come a time when you realize that there is something very specific that you were created to do.  There will come a time when you will look back on things and you will know whether you accomplished those things you were intended to accomplish.  How grand would life be for you right now if all you had were memories of this victory, or that wonderful accomplishment?  How fantastic would living in the now be if all you ever thought about was how wonderful it is that you are able to be doing the things you are doing?  Life was never intended to be one long day of never ending disappointment or dissatisfaction.  Life was never intended to be a series of unfortunate events that seem to follow you like a lost little puppy.  Oh yes, there will come a time when you are going to realize that life is so much more then others have lead you to believe.

We are entering a time of year when people begin to look back on the year, look ahead to the next year, and most of the time talk about what did or didn't happen to them.  I've found myself in years past looking forward to what might happen in the future because all I wanted to do was leave my past behind me.  I never took the time to really look at the lessons from the previous year, and because of that virtually assured myself that I would be placed in similar situations the next year because come hell or high water I will have to learn those things that need to be learned.  I've been guilty of letting time dictate my actions or in some cases inaction.  Time is never an issue when it comes to destiny, and the sooner you learn this the better things will be for you.  Things are going to happen to you when the universe decides they will happen, and all the crying, cajoling is never going to change that.

There will come a time when what you have gone through, what you have learned, and what is going to happen will all make sense.  Yes it might take a little bit of faith on your part, but faith is a funny thing.  When you think you've lost all faith, all hope, something will happen that will rekindle it.  That is what destiny is all about.  Just about the time you may think you're going to abandon destiny it reaches back to you and pulls you in the right direction.  You will discover your destiny because destiny is guided by your passion, and passion is one thing that will never leave you.  Certainly passion might be weighed down by the cares of this world, but when push comes to shove, passion will always be there even if it's just a little spark or burning ember inside of you.

If you are crying out to learn your destiny then fear not, it will find you.  If you are running from your destiny, then I'm here to tell you, you're wasting your time.  Destiny will continue to tap you on your should until it either drives you mad or you decide to accept it and fully embrace the reason for your being here.  Destiny is so profound and destiny is so beautiful.  Why not open yourself up to what is really in your heart and forget about all the counterfeit stuff out there, that is only there to get you off your true path. Trust me, when you discover and walk in your destiny your life becomes something so grand, something so beautiful, and something so incredibly exciting, that there is nothing you wouldn't give to have just one more minute of it.  Go after it my friends, go after it with everything in you and then everything in you will know the significance of your true being.

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