Monday, May 2, 2016

Are you still waiting for the call?
"Oh my God I can't take this." "OK, anytime now!"  "Ring Damn it, just ring."  "Is anyone out there, anyone?"  Most everyone has been on this side of the conversation when you are waiting for something.  The job interviewer said they would let you know by the end of the day.  The casting director, who was kind enough to bring you in for a second audition, said they would be letting you know.  With each passing minute, which turns to hours, you wonder why the call hasn't come.  Are you just fooling yourself thinking that it will be good news, or is there this feeling of dread that in the end you are going to be passed over again?  Often there is nothing worse then waiting for the call.

If or when you have been in this position of waiting for a call, what has been going through your mind?  Are your thoughts ones of excitement because you know it is going to be good news, or do your thoughts take you down the road of "looks like another one slipped away"?  Often when we want something so bad our mind likes to play with our emotions.  We often find ourselves thinking about what we don't want instead of what we truly desire.  This is because we often fall back on bad habits, and those habits are hard to break.

There's a saying out there that says, "Let go and let God."  There was a time when I didn't put much faith in that statement, but that's only because I was the type who had to control every aspect of my life and would never let anything fall to chance.  Having been burned numerous times because of my actions I have learned that the Universe is far more able to handle all of my situations far better then me.  I'm not saying to not do anything, what I'm saying is to let go of your worry, your fears, your doubts, and just be open to things that you may never have given thought to before.  There's nothing wrong with doing prep work.  You might study something, you might train for something, that's all good.  Preparing for things is not a waste of time, but worrying about when the phone is going to ring, now that's a colossal waste of time.  I get human nature, trust me I'm just as human and just as prone to making mistakes as anyone.  I know how tough it can be when you want something so bad and I also know how the mind will try to screw with you while you're waiting for an answer.

How much time do we waste when we are sitting around waiting for the call to come in?  Instead of just sitting there waiting, why not do something constructive.  Why not do anything that will take your mind off what you undoubtedly can't stop thinking about?  Here's why it's important to take you mind off things:  the longer you dwell on something the more likely it is that you are going to start worrying about things.  Once you start worrying about things you begin to construct all the reasons why you can't have what you want.  Once you begin building barriers to the things you want, well then guess what, you probably aren't going to get what you want.  Do something, do anything that will take your mind off what you are waiting for.  Believe it or not I bake cookies.  You can do anything you want as long as it takes your mind off things and your hands off the panic button.

It's so easy to sit around and worry about things, but all that time you spend worrying about things, what has it done for you?  Has it changed your situation?  Has it added any good thing to your life?  When you spend all your time waiting for the call to come in you are simply wasting time.  If I could have all the time back that I wasted worrying I'd have years returned to me.  Face it time spent worrying about things is time you will never get back.

I understand that certain things take time to manifest.  It's what you do with your time in-between the initial thought and the final manifestation.  You really have two choices: you can either move on with your life and do something that is going to benefit you, or you can sit around and wait for the phone to ring.  What makes more sense to you?  I want to get  back on the radio and eventually back on TV. Now I have two choices: I can sit and wait for a producer to call me with the offer, or I can move forward and do things that will get me to my desired location.  If I choose to sit and wait I can assure you that in only a short amount of time I am going to be thinking about all the reasons why I can't have a show and why I'm just wasting my time.  If I choose to move forward and prepare for my show have I lost anything in the process?  Not in the slightest, and if anything it is going to create excitement in my life, and we all now that excitement brings more excitement.

It's time to get off your butt, stop waiting for the phone to ring, and simply do something.  If you will put effort into anything you will see results.  If you will start doing something then you will stop waiting for the phone to ring, and before you know it the call that you have been waiting for all of your life will reach you.  You've heard the saying that an idle mind is the devil's playground.  This is very true, but it's only true because idle time is time that allows you to think things that are better off being un-thought.  Stop sitting around and start doing.  Certainly what you start with is not what you are going to end with, but if you never start, then isn't it already the end?  Think about it...

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