Monday, January 25, 2016

Never Forget!
There are certain things we are never going to forget: Our first love, our first car, the first kiss, and of course our first child.  There are moments in life that are brought on by tragedy that we will always remember what we were doing when the events happened.  For those who are old enough, and regrettably very few are still around, they will remember what they were doing on a December morning when all Hell broke out in Hawaii.  Others will remember what occurred on 9/11.  There are certainly moments in life worth remembering, and there are other moments that we simply cannot forget.

Today however, I simply want you to try and remember who and what you are.  It is in knowing your true essence that you are able to handle all that life may throw at you, and trust me life has a way of throwing us many different things at different times.  I'm sure it will come as no surprise to those reading this that there are times in life when we simply feel out of place.  Times when we just don't have the answers we seek, and times when you just want to roll up in a little ball and call for a time out.  I've been there, and as much as I would like to say it never happens to me, I can't, because there are times when it still does. I can get depressed, stressed, anxiety ridden, you name it, I am just as susceptible to these things as anyone else.  What I have had to do, and what I want to encourage you to do, is remember who you are, what you are, and where you came from.

I started reading a new book, and the timing for getting this book couldn't have been better.  I've been struggling with what to do next, and trying to be patient on the "waiting" front for what is next.  Sadly I am not the most patient person walking the earth, so to simply sit back and wait is not always easy for me.  I'm about a third of the way through the first reading and I will tell you that I had to pause to catch my breath as the words were penetrating, and often cut right to the chase of things.

Now I don't want to dig into all the mechanics of who and what we are, suffice it to say, many have forgotten the perfection of who they are, and more importantly the perfection of them being here right in this moment.  The intent of today's blog is to simply get you to "Remember to Remember" that you have a purpose.  A purpose mind you that fits perfectly with your passion, and a passion that is as true to self as anything.  Here's what so many have forgotten: your passion is as much a part of you as the blood flowing through your veins.  Your passion is as unique as your DNA is unique.  Just as no one else can have your exact DNA, well with the acceptation of Identical Twins, no one is going to have your exact passion.  Your personality, whether an introvert, extrovert, your mannerisms, your views on life, are all going to be a perfect match for your true passion.  Sadly many will never be able to acknowledge their true passion, but that does not mean they do not have one.

Today I want you to think long and hard on those things that would truly bring you happiness.  Happiness is a place of knowing that you will accomplish each of your dreams.  Happiness and joy are the by-products of knowing the real you, of never forgetting your real purpose, and of remembering to remember why you are here right now.  Your destiny was mapped out long before you drew your first breath, long before you were formed into this body, and it is in this destiny that you will find the peace that we all covet and desire.

I look around me and see so many people who are void of happiness and joy, and I have to wonder what was it that took them from a place of contentment to a place of loneliness, lack, and uncertainty?  My destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  My happiness is laced with others who have found their happiness.  When I get bogged down in worry, tempted to fear, and allow less than desirable circumstances to direct my actions, then I have let go of my true self, and that is never a good thing.  I am and will always be connected to my source.  We are all part of an ever expanding universe and because of this our opportunities are also ever expanding.

Today I desire that each of you remember to remember who and what you are.  Today I want to tell you that you cannot forget just how special you are.  I know how things can muddy up the water from time to time, but those things are only momentary, and they do not have the ability to rob from you the one thing that will always be yours, and that is your True Destiny.

As we continue to move forward know this:  you are here for a reason, and if you will keep an open mind, listen to your heart, then you will always know that things are as they need to be.  The seasons may change, the surroundings may change, but the one thing that will never change is the reason you are here right now.  In the perfection of time, in the perfection of your design, and in the perfection of who and what you are, you will find your destiny.  Never forget my friends, and remember to remember that you are you for a reason, and you are you for all those who will benefit from who you are, and for what you do.

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