Monday, January 11, 2016

The battle isn't gone, unless you want it that way.
I know you're tired, I know you've been put through the wringer, and boy do I know what it's like to want to just quit, but please don't.  Today I want you to realize that you are the only one who has the ability to bring anything to an end.  If you desire to continue working toward something, or you want to change direction, you make the choice.  What I want you to realize is that it is just that, your choice.

If you look around you I will bet you can see the faces of many people.  Some faces will shine with smiles, and others will look worn out, almost lifeless.  Each of us has looked this way in the past, and what I want to encourage you to do today is make the decision that your face is going to shine with the brightness of knowing that you are the one who controls your destiny, and you alone will make the decision as too what comes next.

Life would be so easy if it weren't for the fact that things sometimes happen that we don't expect, that we can't explain, and that we certainly would rather not repeat over and over again.  Life would be so easy if we could just snap our fingers and pop, instant perfection.  A snap of the fingers and pop, all your dreams come true.  I dare say that very few people on the planet have not wished this, and are probably placing a wish out there for the very same thing right now.  Here's what I say:  if you are still hoping, still wishing, still waiting for your dreams to come about, then you still have some fight in you, and you best be getting to it.  Don't give up, don't give in, and what ever you do, don't let the bastards get you down.

I know very few people who haven't had to face unwanted circumstances in their life.  The difference between giving up or getting going is entirely up to you.  The battle isn't gone my friends, for the true warrior in each of us doesn't know the meaning of quit.  I've learned a few things over the years, and as sure as I'm sitting here writing this, I know that I know that the sun will come up tomorrow, and  each new day brings hope.  Hope renewed, hope rekindled, hope that knows no defeat, and hope that tells me that no matter what I may have gone through, will go through, that I will be just where I need to be.

Many people have experienced their own sort of "Waterloo".  Those epic battles where nothing seems to be standing when it's all said and done.  Those moments where all seems lost and there is nothing left but the crying.  But here's the big difference, and this is the one thing you can hang your hat on: you're still here.  If you're reading this, then you still have breath in you.  If you're reading this, then I know you haven't given up the fight, and there is still a battle in you to be fought.  Don't give up now, not when the end is so near, not when victory is within reach, and not when you know you will have the desires of your heart, doing what you love most in life.

I've had moments in my life when all I wanted to do was quit. I'd had enough of the struggles, enough of the heartache.  I had to come to the understanding of who and what I was before I could ever imagine a life free from the conflicts, free from the burdens, and free from all those things that wanted to take me out of the game.  I'm here right now, because quite frankly, that is the perfection of the Universe, and my being here is perfect, just as you being in the here and now is in the perfection of the Universe.  If you can accept your being here, then that is all you should ever need to realize that the battle is never lost, it is never too much to handle, and you have all you need to be victorious in life.

If you are at the point in your life where you want to simply sit down and give up, let me encourage you to look deep into your heart and tap into that one thing that lies deep within you, the one thing that brings you more joy then everything else combined in this world.  I love writing, I love speaking to others about destiny.  This is my mission, my calling, my destiny.  When things begin to sour a little, as they will do from time to time, I simply go to my happy place and know that my destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  It brings me joy, happiness, and most of all peace.  A life void of joy, happiness, and peace, is no life at all.   Finding that joy, finding that happiness, and living in absolute peace is what brings life, and it brings hope to others who might be looking for the same thing.

Yes the battles may rage from time to time, but you have a fighting spirit inside of you, and that spirit knows nothing of giving up, running away, or waving the white flag of surrender.  The battle is not gone in you, because you are you, and even when things around you seem intolerable, you know that hope is just waiting to shine in your life each day.  So will you continue to fight for those things that are meant to be yours, or will you give up and simply accept what others have said to expect?  Fight the battles my dears, and with each victory comes the spoils of war.  Never give up, never be fearful, and never ever doubt that you are special and that you are here for a very specific reason.  Now get out there and let the world see just who you are.

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