Monday, November 30, 2015

My how fun flies when you're doing time!
So it's the end of November, and you kind of have to make a decision.  You can either look back on the year and try to figure out what has already taken place or, wonder what the final 30 or so days are going to bring your way.  You can either sit around and ponder all the things that have gotten away from you or, you can look at the next 30 or so days and wonder what will come about in the upcoming 365 days of 2016.  I can hear it now, OMG he's already talking about the next year.  Well I'm not really talking about it, as much as I'm going to try and make a point.

There are many, many people who are trapped in a time warp, a black hole, a place of misery that refuses to let go of them.  It's as if every day of their life is a prison cell, and they have almost zero chance of parole.  On the other side of the coin you have those who live every minute of every day to the fullest.  They are the ones who take every opportunity to make everything an opportunity.  To these people the glass is always half full, and each new days brings them a chance to experience something new, something fun, and something maybe just a little outside the norm.  So what side of the coin do you find yourself on?

Life is what you make of it, it's that simple.  You can cry over spilled milk, over missed opportunities, or even failure, or you can see life for what it really is an adventure.  As I have said many, many, many times before, life is a journey of discovery.  If one is going to make the most out of life, then one needs to take every opportunity to learn something new each day.  It may be something about themselves, or it simply might be a new experience.  Variety is truly the spice of life, and often we find ourselves in lock step with other's expectations, and it is those expectations that have placed us in a cell, alone, frightened, and often without hope.

It's time to get out there and really live.  It's time to put away worry, put away fear, and just say no to those who want you to remain entrenched in what has always been.  I've always seemed to find the most difficult way of doing things. Now there have been times in my life when things came very easy, and at other times it was like digging for gold in a mine that long ago gave up it's last ounce of sparkle.  As difficult as things have gotten in the past, there is something that keeps me moving forward.  I never want to let go of my dreams and visions.  Dreams and visions are what motivate me each day, and with that motivation I live in a world of opportunity, a world of possibilities, and a world that is all mine.

Each day is truly a gift, and what you do with these gifts is entirely up to you. If you are able to embrace life, embrace each day as the gift that it is, then you will no longer feel as though life has passed you bye, and you can begin to live in a world where "my how time flies when you're having fun" and not the opposite.  There is a freedom that comes with grabbing each day and living it to the fullest, even if you don't know what lies around the corner.

There are many things that I still want to accomplish.  There are days when it seems like it is taking me a long, long time to get where I want to be, but even during those times of slowness, I know that I know that things are just as they need to be.  I find comfort in knowing that my path has already been laid out, and all I have to do is be open to what opens up in front of me.  Today is the day that you need to come out from behind the shadows, and accept that your life has purpose, that it has meaning, and that you were created for a very specific purpose.

When you think back on your life do you want to remember all the good times, or do you simply want to think about all the things that got away from you, or that didn't go exactly how you wanted them to go?  When you think back on your life, will you smile and know that this is what you signed up for, or will you simply be a victim of circumstances, accepting the notion that you were never worthy of having goodness in your life?  I promise you this: if you can accept the notion that you are worthy of all manner of goodness, then you will only see blessings and love, and quite frankly will not accept anything less then blessing and love.

Your life is not a prison cell, and you have not been sentenced to a life of misery and dread.  The door is open and all you need to do is walk out.  Accept your freedom, and a walk away never looking back.  Those who can look forward, those who can leave behind the doubt, the fear, the uncertainty, those are the ones who will begin to experience joy.  This joy is knowing that all you desire, all that you dream, and all that you can see is just waiting for you.

It is time to experience joy, it is time to have fun, and when you do, then you will see that time is passing quickly, but with each passing moment comes memories and experiences that you would never give up, never give up for a million years.  My how times flies, when you're having fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Yes! This is a wonderful, positive outlook on life and yes, time flies when we're having fun and enjoying life! Thanks for writing this, Scott. :) <3
