Monday, December 7, 2015

The richness of life; have you tasted of it lately?
Oh we have hit that joyous season where peace on earth goodwill toward men is front and center with everything we do each day.  What's that?  You aren't seeing it?  You aren't feeling it? Wow, well maybe I could be wrong, but isn't this what the holiday season is supposed to do for each of us?

Let's face it, there are many people who have issues with the holidays.  There is so much pressure to keep up with what everyone else is doing, what everyone else is planning to do, or what others desires to do.  There are the countless parties to attend, the family gatherings, the this, the that.  This joyous time of year is anything but joyous.  So how do we get it back, how do we begin to enjoy the richness of life, and how in god's name do we get through the next twenty or thirty day?

Let's begin our discussion with one simple fact: you are amazing just the way you are.  With all your faults, with all your missteps, with all your "Screw this" moments, you are still unique, beautiful, and so very much one of a kind.  Stepping out into the richness of life is as simple as coming to realize that all that is in front of you, all that is now behind you, and all that you may be experiencing today, is there for you.  It has shaped and molded you into the perfection that you are.  Yes there are times when things may really suck, but those times also help us to grow, and growth is what each of us should desire each and every day of our existence.

The richness of life is knowing that no matter what you may be going through, there is hope for tomorrow, and with that hope comes peace, and with peace comes comfort.  Maybe my approach to life is simple minded, some might even call it bizarre, but my approach helps me to realize that no matter what is staring you down, it can't keep you down.  What's my approach?  I accept me.  I love me.  I know that only I can do what I was created to do.  This is not some elitist thing.  It is simply realizing the perfection of my design, the perfection of me being alive right now, and the perfection of the dreams and visions that I hold.

Being rich doesn't have to be measured by belongings.  It's not sizing up the castle over the next hill and wondering if yours is bigger.  Being rich is not having all the money you need to do anything you desire to do.  Being rich, experiencing the richness of life is as simple as stepping out into the night, looking up at the star lit canvas above you and knowing that you are as splendid as any of the stars above your head.  Richness is accepting all that you are, so that you can do all that you dream.  Richness is walking in your destiny, and knowing that your destiny is why you are here in the first place.

Let's face it, there are so many people today who can't understand riches, because they have allowed man's conditioning to dictate what is expected, what is warranted, or even who is worthy of such and such.  Every person on the face of the earth deserves to discover and walk in their destiny.  Destiny is not a respecter of people.  If one can walk in their destiny, all can walk in their destiny.  I've had people try to get me to change my stance on this, but I can't.  Just because you haven't discovered your destiny doesn't mean you don't have one.  Simply because you have not begun to walk in your destiny, doesn't mean you won't ever.

The richness of life is right there in front of you, all you have to do is pick it up, accept it as yours, and then take ownership of all that comes with it.  If you feel mired down in the demands of others, if you feel trapped by the expectations of others, if you simply need to feel different then you do right now, then begin by accepting you.  Begin by loving yourself, and come to point where you can see that all that you desire will indeed come to pass.

This time of years brings many things to the forefront:  insecurities, feelings of lack, thoughts of loneliness, and moments of sadness.  It's time to change all that, and in doing so, help others to get out of the holiday trap.  It is time to begin to taste the richness of life, and help others partake of this feast as well.  Each life is amazing, and amazing things should come from each life.  Life span is not what measures a life.  What measures a life is the way you live yours.  What measures a life is your ability to be you, just you.  Let this holiday season be the one that you step out into your new world.  This new world of richness will be like no other, and then you will never be the same.

If you want something to put on your "Grown up Christmas List" let it be accepting the richness of life, and finally coming to terms with your significance to the rest of humanity.  You are not here just to take up space, you are here to change the face of the world, even if you have to do it one person at a time.  Riches are here for you, but only if you are willing to accept them.  My advice, accept them!


  1. I accept me and all the riches my life has to offer! Thank you for writing this, Scott. Blessings and Love always. <3

  2. I accept! Thanks for writing Scott.

  3. I accept! Thanks for writing Scott.
