Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What's ailing you?
A lot of things can come into one's life that seem to get in the way of you doing what you really want to do.  Often they come in the form of comments from others, situations that seem to stop you in your tracks, or simply a not knowing of what to do next.  No matter how you look at it, whatever it is that is stopping you from walking in your destiny is something that is going to ail you, and any ailment is never a healthy thing.

What I want you to look at today is the possibility of you being able to do anything, anytime, and in anyway that your heart desires.  To many this is an impossibility, but as I have discovered over the last few years, I don't believe in impossibility, especially when it comes to one's own destiny.

So what's stopping you from pursuing those things in your life that you hold most dear?  There are many out there, as I've said before, that are stymied by the comments of others.  These people don't understand what is in your heart, and since they are not you, how can they possibly know how important some things are to you?  There are others who have allowed fear to creep into their life.  Fear that what they try will not succeed.  Fear of what others will think about their crazy idea.  I've seen first hand how fear can grip someone.  I've been told many times how difficult it is to get a book published and even if you are fortunate enough to have a book on the shelves, what makes you think it is going to be a success?  I've allowed fear to stop me.  It's wasn't a fear like walking around in a dark cemetery at night.  It was a fear of success.  It was a fear that who was I to think I could change the thoughts of others about destiny, and have an impact on the world.  Fear is never going to get you to the place you were destined to be, and fear is something that we hold on to way to often.

There are people who are in bad relationships.  They know they need to get out of this relationship, but there is something that keeps them cemented in this place.  All kinds of thoughts rush into their head. "I can't be alone." "I never thought I would be in this position."  "I just don't know what to do." I've tried to stick it out in bad situations, hoping against hope that things would change, that I would somehow find a way to right the ship, and what I wanted most would come into existence.  Sadly most of the time all I got was more sadness, more pain, and no rescue in sight.

Walking around in fear, in doubt, in constant turmoil, is no way to live.  If you really want to be happy in life then you are going to have make the decision that those things you desire are there for you, and nothing is going to stop you from having your hearts desire.  When I set out to write my first book I never imagined how it would change my life.  I had pretty much planned out my life and writing a book never even entered the picture.  Sadly what I had done was fill my life with other things, and although they would have brought me notoriety, they would never have brought me fulfillment.  I know what I am supposed to be doing, and everything I do now is leading me to the place I was always destined to be.  The question you need to ask yourself is what are you willing to do, in order to do the things you really want to do?  You can either sit back on the sidelines, or you can take an active role in bringing to fruition those things that need to be done.

Destiny is not something only meant for a few select people.  Destiny is not just for the "One Percenter' s".  Destiny is, and always will be, for everyone.  If you allow the comments or the actions of others to stop you from walking in your destiny, you are the one who is going to be hurt.  I can think of no other thing in life so miserable then staying put in a place that brings you no joy, no peace, and no happiness.

Are you happy right now?  Is what you are doing bringing you endless joy and happiness?  Do you get up in the morning over joyed because you get to do what you love most?  This is what life was meant to be.  This is how life was originally designed to be.  We have allowed man to tell us that there must be strife in life.  We have allowed man to tell us that only a select few will experience the thrill of victory and all others the agony of defeat.  Please, oh please, don't fall victim to the conditioning of man.  Man's biggest ailment is man's expectations, and man's conditioning.  If you can free yourself from the conditioning of man, and realize how divine you really are, I will promise you that there will be nothing that will ail you.

There comes a time when decisions need to be made.  The time has come for you to ask yourself this very simple question:  am I happy?  This is not a question that can be answered by anyone but you.  Let's be honest, if you're not happy and content with your life at the moment, why would you want to stay put?  If, on the other hand, you had the ability to find true happiness and fulfillment, is there any reason you would not jump into it with both feet?  I've know sadness and I've know happiness, and it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to recognize which one is better.

If there is anything ailing you, then take the time to make it right.  In the long run you will be happier, those around you will be happier, and the the rest of the world will be a better place for you being in your proper place.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the encouragement to just jump in and do what we really want to do, Scott. Yes ... am doing that right now... allowing myself to follow a dream and buy a place where we can have events and retreats, etc. Thanks for being a friend! :)
