Monday, October 19, 2015

Surviving the darkness before the dawn.
They tell me that "Hope" springs eternal. I've also been told that it's always darkest before the dawn.  I live with hope each day because there are things that I desire in this life, and anything that I desire must be laced with hope, and why is that?  Because hope is what drives us to take another step. Hope is what secures in us the feeling that things will reach a desired outcome.  Through all the ups and downs,  through the darkness of what some are going through, there is a knowing that the light of dawn is just about ready to peak over the horizon.

I have hope for the future, and I want you to have hope for the future as well.  When one is going through a rough patch it isn't always easy to remember that what we go through is necessary.  I've had times in my life when all I wanted to do was lay down in absolute submission, in the hopes that I could just close my eyes and it would be over.  I've had moments when I felt like I had lost all hope.  Funny thing about hope, when you have it, it doesn't go away, not even was facing insurmountable odds.  Now I know people who have lost hope.  Hope is still very much present in their life, they simply have let situations and circumstances blind them to that hope.

I want to encourage you today to look at things a little differently.  I want you to imagine a life where dreams come true, where you can have anything you desire, when you always seem to be at the right place at the right time, and where magically things just fall into place when you need them the most.  What are you feeling when you think about this happening?  That my friends is the foundation of hope.  Now there may be times when hope seems fleeting.  We've all had those moments when things have gone mad, when things just seem to self-destruct.  You can't figure out why what you want seems to elude you, and why in heavens name can't you ever just have a normal peaceful day?

 What are some of the things you are hoping for?  A new home, a new car, that promotion at work that comes with a very nice raise?  I for one am hoping that the New England Patriots can have a perfect season, win the Superbowl again and finally shut Don Shula up.  We have hope for lots of things in life, and I am here to tell you that there should never come a time when you give up on those things you desire most in life.

Outcomes may never come at the specific time you want them, but rest assured they will come in the perfect time that you need them.  When hope seems to have faded in your life I want you to understand that you are still here, still living, still breathing, and because of this fact, hope is still very much alive.  I've been working with a dedicated group of four ladies who share my vision for True Destiny, our company dedicated to helping others discover and walk in their destiny.  We have been creating vision boards over the last few weeks.  These vision boards are all about what we hope for in regards to what True Destiny will be doing in the not too distant future.  I look at these boards and hope tells me that everything on them will come to pass, and together we are going to create a company that will ultimately change the world.  Now there will be people who will think we have gone mad thinking we can change the dynamic of the world, but the hope that resides in me will not allow me to believe otherwise.  Hope is never measure by what other people feel or think, it is only measured by your ability to hold on to that hope and realize that you have it for a very specific purpose.

I can't think of anyone in this world who has created something unique, something remarkable, or achieved a level of success, who first did not have the hope to do something.  Hope and desire go hand in hand.  Hope is desire, and desire is hope.  There will be those who feel that luck may play a part in getting something accomplished, but luck is never going to assure anything, while hope is always going to pay off dividends in the long run.

I love what today's blog photo says, "With hope we can find our way even through darkness.  But without it we lose our way in daylight."  Hope, as I've said before is what allows us to get out of bed each morning eager to take on the day, hopeful for what lies ahead, and profoundly willing to look at life and realize that you have a part to play in it.  Always know that without you something very big would be missing in this world.

My hope is that each person I come in contact with will eventually discover and walk in their destiny.  It is my hope that others will also help people discover and walk in their destiny.  I love that I have hope for the future, hope for what will happen tomorrow, and hope that what needs to happen will happen when the time is right.  I get up each morning with hope, and I go to bed each night with that same hope.  What are some of the things you are hoping for?  Do these things bring you joy?  Do they bring you peace?  Do they bring a smile to your face just thinking about how grand it would be to have every desire in your life?  Then let hope spring eternal, and let hope be the thing that you hold on to.  Hope will always let you know that even when you are walking in the darkest moment, that the sun will shine tomorrow and you will have the opportunity to have all you want.

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