Monday, October 26, 2015

Perseverance: The Long, Long, Long, Long, Long Road.
Ever been on that never ending loop of doubt, fear, struggle, or even failure?  If you are like most people each of these things has crept into your life at one time or another.  The question that arises is how did you handle it, or did you just let it take you where it wanted to take you?  Perseverance is having the fortitude to keep going, without regard to what might be right in front of you.

We've all had struggles in our life.  I've never met anyone who was brazen enough to even try to get me to think that their life was sheer perfection and those things that tend to disturb others has never played a part in their life.  I dare say that there are many things that we feel are worthy of our perseverance.  It might be a love interest, a new job, or a desire for a new career. You might be in a struggle right now with outside influences that would have you zig when all you want to do is zag.  Often we are forced to persevere because those around us who keep telling you that "it can't be done" don't realize just how big your dreams are, nor your desire to successfully see your dreams come true.

In many cases perseverance is linked to the amount of desire you have for those things you are believing for.  Face it, it's easy to give up or give in when the object you are going after is not really something that you desire.  Flip the coin and now going after something you truly desire is going to add a whole new meaning to the word perseverance.  When you truly love something it is nearly impossible to give up on it.  When you desire something so much, stopping in midstream is just not something that comes to mind.  Perseverance is going after something with everything you have inside.

There will be days when the word quit simply is unacceptable.  Conversely there comes a time when you will have to make a decision as to what brings you happiness, what is dragging you down, and how important is hanging on to those things you really want in life.  We often hold on to things that are not serving us, but because we can't imagine life without them, we find it difficult to let them go, even when letting go would be the best thing for you.  It's like you are being torn apart: what you want, what you desire, and what is in your best interest.  There are times when these two things are counter to each other, but try as you might, you haven't a clue which direction to go in.  It is in these moments where you need to step back, take a deep breath, and ask your heart what to do next.

There have been times in my life when I have quit before I should have, and then there have been times when I should have quit long before I did.  This inability to know the right time often brings the misery that follows certain situations.  If what you are trying to hold on is not serving your best interest, then why hold on to it?  You know deep down what is good and what is not good for you. Often we fail to act on it because of fear.  We are simply afraid to see what life would be like if these situations were eradicated from our life.  Trust me, I have been in this position many times, and each time I must face the unenviable task of making tough decisions.  Making tough decisions is a sign of maturity.  It's not whether you make the right decision that is important, its just being willing to make a decision in the first place.  Remember, you can always go back and right a wrong.

Perseverance is nothing more then holding a belief that what is meant to be will in fact come into being, and nothing is going to stand in the way.  Remember when you were a kid and your mom would tell you that you were not leaving the dinner table until you ate everything on it?  For me my nemesis was zucchini.  So all the neighbor kids were outside waiting for you so they could play Kick the Can and all you could do was sit there and look at the damn zucchini.  Perseverance said eat it up and get outside as quick as you can.  It all comes down to the motivation, and how bad you want something.  If it's worth having, it's worth working for.  If there is something that you truly desire in life, then logically isn't perseverance something that should come easy.

There are no real time lines when it comes to perseverance.  Either you continue to work toward something or you don't.  The question comes down to, how bad do you want something.  There is no right or wrong answer.  There are times when we simply decide it's not worth it and we give in.  You're not a good or bad person if you give up.  Only you can make the decision what is right or what is wrong for you.  However, if you simply give up because things have become difficult, then you are giving up for the wrong reason.  There will be obstacles that come into view from time to time, simply make the determination that you are not going to let them stop you.  Slow and steady wins the race I have been told many times.  Perseverance is taking things one day at a time, one item at a time.

There will be difficulties that arise from time to time.  There will be those who hinder you verses help you.  There will even be times when you have your own doubts as to what is important to you and what is not, that's OK.  Perseverance says you just keep moving forward, even if it is at a snail's pace.  Never give up my friends.  What is meant to be will be, but only if you believe.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most timely, inspiring and empowering messages/blogs I've ever read. Wow! This touches my heart and propels me forward. Thank you, Scott! :)
