Friday, September 4, 2015

All I want for Christmas is....
You have got to be kidding me, it's not even Labor Day and already we're talking about Christmas.  It's almost as bad as the political seasons that seem to run into each other, and we never get away from them.  I know that Christmas is still months away, and although the title to today's blog references it, what I want to discuss today are the things you desire in life, and why you don't have to wait for a specific day to get what you truly desire.

We all have desires and wants in life.  Some of these desires we are free to share with others in the hopes that they will share in the excitement and anticipation of what you are waiting for.  Other desires are best left unsaid, until such time as you are confident in their arrival, as there are those around who would like nothing more then to rain on your parade, and rob you of any joy in obtaining what you desire most.

I am hosting a full day event in a few weeks, and one of the primary topics is going to be laying foundational truths.  These truths are absolutely critical to have if one is ever going to have the desires of their heart; in light of the fact that so many people around you are just waiting to pounce on your wants and desires to crush them before they ever take wing.

I've taken the last few days to read my book If Tomorrow Never Comes from cover to cover.  Some people might think it weird for an author to have to read his or her own book, after all we did write it.  However, reading it, besides bringing me great joy, teaches me certain lessons and truths that we all need to be reminded about from time to time.  One of the main points of the book and a topic that many self-help/motivational authors talk about is if you can think it, dream it, feel it, and ultimately see it, then you can have it.  It is the Law of Attraction, the Law of Sowing and Reaping, and your destiny all wrapped up into one.  Another foundational truth that I bring out in the book is that we have been conditioned by man to believe one thing, while our creator continually tells us something else.  Man would love for you to believe that maybe if all the planets line up perfectly, if luck decides to shine on you for a limited time, and if you just happen to be at the right place at the right time, then and only then will your ship come in, and you will be able to have all that you desire in life.

I want you to know that you are worthy of having the desires of your heart, and I know this because the desire would never have been placed in there in the first place if the intention were to have you go without it.  The Creator of the Universe in not in the habit of dabbling a carrot in front of you knowing that you will never be able to get to it.  Man might have you believe that, but I assure you that Spirit/God/Source, what ever you want to name it, does not function that way.  I do however want to make this point: the desires you have inside of you are very rarely for just you alone.  They represent something that the rest of humanity can benefit from, so there is going to come a time when you are going to have to share these desires with others.  There are many people out there who want things and want them just for them.  There is zero chance that they will be willing to share anything with anyone, and that is such a travesty.  There is more then enough to go around, so sharing should be easy.  I will tell you that those who are unwilling to share what they have, their gifts and talents, their surplus, are under the illusion that there is a finite supply of it for them.  This limiting belief will ultimately cause them to loose what they have.

What is it that you want most in life?  What is the one thing that would bring you absolute joy?  If you had to write down your Christmas List, what would be at the top of that list?  If you are unable to come up with something, then my guess is that you have gone without for so long, that you have forgotten what would really make you happen, or you have been so beat down that you would just assume forget your wants and desires.  Let me encourage you to dust off your Christmas List and start looking at it again.

I've known the pain of going without, or forgetting what truly would make me happy.  I forgot about them because there was a time when I did not feel worthy to have them.  I needed to come to terms with my own Deity, my own perfection, and the truth that I am worthy of having the desires of my heart.  I encourage you to take a leap of faith and write down your list again.  The items on your list may be the same items you wrote about 10, 20, or maybe even 30 years ago.  That's OK, they are still desires, and if you still have those desires, then maybe it's time to realize that you need to go after them.

So what do you want for Christmas?   If you have an idea, smile about it.  If you have a feeling, go with it.  If you have an unction,  reflect on it.  Just don't make the mistake of continuing to bury it.  Trust me, if the desire is truly in you, then it will always come back around again to make you aware of it, and it will continue to come back until such time as you decide to do something with it.  Do yourself a favor and begin to do something with those desires.  Trust me, they are not just for you, there are others out there who need what you have.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I also encourage everyone to accept and embrace desires - they are real and will help you help others. Thanks for writing this, Scott. I'm looking forward to your up-coming seminars, conventions, and books, etc. Blessings and Love always. :) <3
