Monday, September 7, 2015

It's a labor of love.
Today's blog is twofold.  I want to talk about why everyone should be doing what they love, but more importantly why love should be the foundation of everything we do in life.

I know plenty of people who believe they are doing things that you might classify as "being in love with what they do".  However, the motivation for why they are doing it is anything but love.

Can we agree that life is far better when one is involved with things that they love to do?  If you are trapped in a job you hate, my guess is that loving life is not something you talk about on a daily basis.  That being said, I am always going to side with those who decide to step out and do what is in their heart to do and follow the passion that resides inside of them. The wonderful thing about following your passion, is that more often then not this passion is also laced with love, and that love is what you send along while you are doing whatever it is that you desire to do.  When I sit down to write my motivation is not how much money I can make.   My motivation is how many lives can I change, or how many lives can I help.

When you love what you do, it is almost impossible not to be motivated by love while you are doing it, and that love comes across to anyone you come in contact with.  If you spread enough love, then eventually others are going to walk in it, and then they do the same thing, and the cycle begins again. If on the other hand your motivation for doing something is not centered on love, but rather "what's in it for me", well you might be successful in your endeavors, but there will be an emptiness in you that can't be filled with money, success, or any other thing.

A labor of love is heading into your place of work, no matter what day of the week it might be, and knowing that you get the opportunity to do something that quite frankly you would do for free.  Now I am all for working hard and earning a great living, but when making money is the only focus you have I can assure you that eventually the thrill of making money will either wear off, or it will consume you.  If you are able to see past the money aspect and see just how important what you are doing is for those around you, I can promise you that money will never be the first thing on your mind, and because of that, money will never be an issue for you, as it will flow to you unabated.

If I were a betting man I would venture a guess that the vast majority of working people out there are either dissatisfied with their current job, or even more troublesome, absolutely hates what they are doing.  There is something to be said about loving your job, and when you love what you do it is so easy to give it your all.  Conversely, if you hate you station in life, I doubt very seriously that you are able to give it 100% of your efforts, and when that is the case, then apathy and regret is just around the corner waiting for you.

Each year on the 1st Monday of September our country celebrates those who work so tirelessly throughout the year.  I would love to have a day where we not only celebrate the workers, but the work we do.  A day to reflect on the blessings of being able to do what we love, and being able to do it for those around us.  Sadly many people just see this day as a day to relax and not have to go into their very mundane, burdensome, and often thankless jobs.

A Labor of Love is the most fulfilling, most joyful, and often the most peaceful existence one can know.  Getting up each morning knowing that you have the chance yet again to change lives is a calling we all have, and it's a calling we should all hold as dear.  I have said this so many times in the past but once again it bears repeating:  we were created by love, from love, and to love.  Often people do not realize this, and love is the last thing that they would use as motivation for what they are doing.  If love is the center of all that you do, then I guarantee you success in whatever endeavor you undertake.

If you do not love what you are doing, why are you doing it?  Life is to short to have it taken up with jobs that bring you no real peace or joy.  I have been trapped in thankless, loveless, and life draining jobs, and let me tell you, it will ultimately lead you to an early grave.   It's time to do what you were created to do, and if you were created to do it, then I will tell you that you will love every minute of it, and with that love you will cover the world with love as well.  Let this Labor Day be the day that you decide to follow your heart, follow your passion, and begin to change the world one person at a time, one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - If you don't love what you do, leave it... if you love it, keep on going with it and as Scott says, your love will spread and change the world for the better. I LOVE working with Scott in True Destiny! Blessings and Love to All. :)
