Monday, March 30, 2015

Until the end of time.
Life, as we understand it, has a finite number of days in it.  Some are blessed with many years, while others have left this existence far too soon.  No matter where one falls on the spectrum of life spans, there is one thing for certain:  living life to the fullest until the end of time, our time, is what counts.

In my many travels I have observed people who live with one foot in the grave.  They seem to only survive, going from one day to the next with no real agenda, no real plan, and zero zest for living.  To these people living is getting up each morning with no real desire to do much of anything.  This lack of motivation may be because of the effects of a life full to struggle, full of negative thoughts, and empty of any meaningful purpose.  The saddest part of all of this is that purpose is something we all have, yet many will never discover it, therefore only living life as a shadow of what could be.

We should all live life to the absolute fullest until we take our final breath.  How many things, looking back on your life, would you like to change or do over?  I dare say there is no one walking this planet who has not experienced a missed opportunity.  Most everyone I know has some regret, some of which are big and others quite small, but regrets none-the-less.  Do you want to go through life with only regrets, or do you want to take life on and give it everything you have? Certainly there is always the possibility of failure, but I will tell you that failure is only assured when you simply don't try, or when you give up.  Up until such time as you quit, success is always a possibility.

I know first hand how life's struggles can dampen any dream or vision.  I also know first hand what it feels like to just want to quit and toss in the towel.  There is however something in each of us that wants to push us farther, deeper, and harder to reach that place we know is for us.  The pull of your destiny is what should keep you moving forward until the end of time.  Destiny can't be stopped because of a simple failure earlier on in life.  Destiny cannot be stopped because someone spoke an unkind word to you, or decided that your dreams were crazy or not of value.  Those who speak negatively about destiny probably have zero idea of what their destiny is.  If these people are talking ill of you, simply ignore the words, shower them with love, but leave them behind.  Be kind to them of course, but let them walk their own path.  A path mind you, that will come around again, and again, to their own destiny, whether they want to believe it or not.

Time will eventually run out for each of us.  Death is a certainty, and no matter what you might hope for, immortality in this current life form, is not possible.  We have an eternal spirit yes... but currently it is housed in a mortal body.  Nothing is going to change that.  That being said, what we do have the ability to do is utilize this body to the best of our ability to get us to our destiny, therefore accomplishing those things in this life that we were intended to accomplish.

If you want purpose in your life, and you want it to last a lifetime, then begin opening up to the real possibility that you have a destiny, and damn it, determine that you're going to walk in it.  I know people who are driven to success.  Now their motivation for being this driven is entirely up to them.  There are some who need it because they need the acclaim that comes with success.  Others desire success in order to do for others.  No matter what your motivation is, you have to want it, and then go after it.

The greatest regret in life is never having discovered what your purpose for living is.  Trust me, walking away from your destiny will eat you up inside.  That feeling of "is this as good as it gets" will eat away at you, and eat away at you until you go stark raving mad.  Is that the way you want to go through life?

When individuals finally take that first step toward their destiny, there is a weight that is lifted off of them.  Life takes on a whole new meaning, and what seemed impossible before turns into a whole new list of possibilities.  When one begins their journey of discovery many of the past burdens they carried seem to slip off of them, and then the journey is much less burdensome.  That's not to say there will no longer be any further challenges, but you will have the determination to get past the challenges, and go after those things that really define you.

Until the end of time we need to walk in our destiny.  When you can do this, then time no longer will dictate what you do, or how you do it.  Time will no longer be your enemy, and those things that have laid dormant in the deepest part of your being will begin to surface and then your life will change forever.  Life is indeed a journey of discovery, so why not get out there and start discovering what life has in store for you.  I promise you, what you learn will be what you need, and what you need will always be available to you.

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