Monday, December 29, 2014

The year that was, the year that will be.
What a year.  What a rapid year.  It hardly seems possible that 2014 is about to end, and 2015 is about to begin.  I'm trying not to be too cliche and write about what 2014 meant to me and what I desire for 2015.  I'm sure that I am not the only person on the planet who has had some ups and downs the previous year, and we always desire the best for the upcoming year. However,  if one is unable to desire better for the future, then it is doubtful that better will ever reach you, no matter where you are.

No I will not replay 2014, and I'm not even going to try to figure out what 2015 has in store for me.  What I desire for 2015 is to really dig deep and find the true me.  Who am I really, and what is it that needs to come about this next year?  I was reading last night and I read a passage that literally hit me between the eyes. I will paraphrase what was written, but let me tell you it was something, and it goes perfectly with the picture in today's blog.  First and foremost, it matters not what others may think of you, what you may think of others, what others do, or even what happens to other people.  If you are constantly jealous of other's success then you are focused on the wrong thing, and I can assure you that success will never find you.  I know that may seem a little abrupt, but trying times require strong measures.

What is important for 2015 is that get to the point where you know, with zero doubt, that this is your time and those things that need to happen will happen, as they need to happen.  If you are trying to manufacture what 2015 is going to look like, then you are in for a world of hurt.  That's not to say that you should sit around and wait for things to happen. What I am saying is that it's time to lay down your preconceived notions and simply allow the universe to place you where you need to be, meeting the people you need to meet, and doing those things that are going to allow you to know more about your destiny and ultimately walk in that destiny.

One of the things that hit me so hard in my reading the other night was a passage that came from the Ascended Master Saint Germaine.  Now what I am about to share is a step of faith on my part, but if I am going to be in the right place in the upcoming year then I need to take the place that has been designed for me, so here we go.  St. Germaine makes the statement that if someone is feeling critical of another, or out of harmony with someone, then it is best to correct this attitude immediately.  Truth be told if you are feeling anything but love for those around you, then you will have opted for the way of the world and not the serenity that comes with knowing who you truly are.  We are divine beings, and in this divinity there is no room for thinking more of ourselves then we should.

Do you really know who you are?  Do you understand what you are?  These may seem like simple questions, but I know there are people out there who cannot answer them.  Your focus for the upcoming year has to be discovering the "I am presence" in your life as St. Germaine talks about.  The "I am" presence is understanding your divine nature and all that comes along with knowing who and what you are.  Most people wait for others to tell them what they should feel, what they should do, and then wonder why things never seem to go as planned or desired.  The only way you are going to move forward in those things that you desire in your life is to fully understand your true nature, and the only way to understand your true nature is to forget what the world has said is normal and move forward in those things that God has laid out in front of you.

How many people do you think want a repeat of 2014?  The ones I've talked to can't wait to shut the door on 2014 with hope against hope that 2015 is a far cry better.  Problem is, these same people have been waiting each new year for the old year to go out, the new year to come in, and with hopes that this year is better.  It is a recurring theme, but nothing ever changes.  Well you have the opportunity of a lifetime to change what has always been the norm and now create your new normal.  This year you can begin by discovering the real you.  The real "I am" presence in your life, and with this new understanding open up doors that until now have been sealed tighter then a drum.

I am setting the intention for 2015.  My intention is to know Scott better then I have ever known him before.  My intention is to understand the awesome power that is embedded in our nature, our being, and walk in the knowledge of that power.  My intention is to live a life of love, not worrying about what is in it for me, but rather what I can extend to others.  A life controlled by love is a life that will alter the course of history.  A life controlled by love will change nations.  A life controlled by love will bring you to a place that was designed for you before you were born.

I am so happy to be stepping into 2015, not because 2014 was bad, but because I know that I will step through doors that were designed for me, and I will take my understanding of my destiny to the next level.  These are what I desire for you, and this is what I will be writing about throughout the upcoming year.  It is time to step out, and together we will come to understand our True Destiny.  Happy New Year, and let's really do it right this year.

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