Monday, December 22, 2014

Twas the night before Christmas, well almost.

It truly is that magical time of year when families and friends get together and forget about all the trials and setbacks of the previous year and simply enjoy the time they have with each other. I have often heard that it should be Christmas each day but you and I both know that in most cases that is not the case.  That being said I would like to tell you how I am feeling at the moment and I hope that this will bring you an element of Christmas Cheer on this almost "Twas the night before Christmas".

I had a dinner party at my residence last night and it was quite lovely. We had a wonderful meal, great wine, and exceptional conversation with those in attendance.  I had beautiful Christmas music on in the background and all I could think about what how almost perfect the evening was.  I say almost perfect because there is always something you would change in a dinner party, but due to time it never seems to get done.  I was happy with the outcome and I was confident that those in attendance had a memorable night.  I kept thinking to myself that this is the spirit of the season and yet we allow it to get ruined by all the expectations that we either place on ourselves or others place on us.  I was dropping off a gift bag to a very dear friend one day last week.  I make a point of never forgetting him and his family as they bring a smile to my face each time I see them.  I was touched by the fact that he was so touched, that I did not forget him and his family.  Bringing joy to another is what this season is all about and it's not measured in how much you spend on an item, but rather how much love is put into the gift of giving love this season.

My gift to you this season is my desire that you discover your True Destiny and that you take steps to walk in that destiny.  There are so many people out in the world today who have dreams of what they want their tomorrows to look like.  They have a passion for something and yet they have been unable to walk in that passion.  During this special time of year I encourage you to throw caution to the wind and pick up your passion and begin to see yourself fully immersed in it.

I wrote about peace the other day.  A peace that passes all understanding.  Until such time as you begin to discover and ultimately walk in your divine destiny, it is almost impossible to walk in the peace that passes all understanding.  Trust me, I have tried to fill my life with things that I thought would bring me peace, only to find out that what I really needed was something that I already had.  I have always had a destiny, what I lacked for so long was the recognition of that destiny and then a desire to walk in it.  People all around you will try to fill the voids in their life with everything you can imagine, and yet even when someone has everything, procession wise, they still lack the very thing that should mean most to them.

During this magical time of year why not spend a few moments and ask yourself what would truly make you happy.  Don't worry about what would make someone else happy, but you happy.  Family and friends will always need something, but until such time as you begin to walk in your destiny that something is just going to have to wait.  You can spend a lifetime helping others, doing for others, and at the end of the day you will have missed out on what is truly most important and that is allowing the world to see you doing what you were destined to do.

I've spend the better part of this last year writing this blog three, sometimes four, or even five days during the week.  There has not been a morning that I have not loved every minute of writing.  Certainly there have been days when the words took some coaxing to get out, but it was never a burden for me to write.  There were days when I might have to begin my day at five a.m. to ensure that I got the blog out, but it was never something I dreaded the night before.  When you are walking and operating in your destiny then work is never work, it is now a vocation, and that makes all the difference in the world.

Your destiny must begin with you and you must accept it for what it is.  You may not have all the answers right in this moment, but deep down within you, you know what it is you desire to do.  That buried desire will never leave, so my advice is to dig it back up, dust it off, and place it in the forefront of all other things.  This magical season should be a time to smile and realize that your best days are still ahead of you.  It is not time to be regretful of times past, but rather encouraged because of the time in front of you.  You will walk in your destiny.  It was written ions ago and there is very little that will stop you from being the person you were created to be.  Open yourself up to the possibilities around you and allow the spirit of this season to fill your heart with feelings of belonging to a huge, attached universe.  We are all one, and we all have a part to play in what happens.

I pass on to your my wishes for this special season and I send out words of affirmation so you will know the splendor of your being and the importance of you being here right now.  Share the love this season, and know that you have all you need to walk in your destiny.  I send you love, peace, joy, and happiness and ask you to extend it to others as well.

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