Friday, December 19, 2014

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

I've written about peace on earth before, but yesterday I was listening to a Christmas Song and I knew that I needed to touch this topic again.  Maybe it was just as much for me as it was for anyone else, but I've learned to follow the leading of Spirit, so I guess you will just have to suffer through another blog that talks about our incredible abilities and why said abilities are so needed in the world today.

If this world is ever going to experience peace then it is going to have to start with us as individuals first, and from what I see lately there are quite a few out there who are void of peace, let alone able to bring peace to the rest of the planet.

When man was created it was never the Creator's intent to have man walk around void of peace.  As a matter of fact, peace, joy, and happiness was what we were to experience every minute of our life.  Regrettably man decided he wanted something else and henceforth we have had to contend with all manner of strife, sadness, and in many cases anguish.  That being said, just because it may have been that way in the past doesn't mean it has to stay that way in the future.  Peace is available to everyone, and everyone should desire to have a life guided by peace, occupied by peace, and overtaken by peace.

The question arises, how do you get there?  How can peace be the driving force in one's life and how can you share that peace with others in an attempt to have it populate the entire world?  The answer is quite simple but the implementation is what gets in the way from time to time.  You see, we have within ourself the ability to manifest almost anything we desire.  The first step is to understand this truth, and more importantly believe it.  The believing is what gets in the way more often than not, but believing is what has to happen.  I reaffirm that I am at peace many, many times throughout the day.  When faced with a lousy situation I have to remind myself that I am peace.  I have remind myself that I am joy, happiness, and that these are the characteristics that were always intended to be present in my life.  Before I fall asleep each night I state that I am peace, that I am joy, and that I am happiness. My words, that creative force that was placed in me the minute I was created, is what sets the stage for what I will experience the next day.  To many this may seem like some big act of futility.  Who am I to think that I can create my own existence and who am I to think that I can manifest peace in my life?  Truth is I have this ability and I choose to walk in it, believe in it, and experience it.  Face it, the alternative is nothing that I want in my life, nor should you.

In the song, which by the way is now one of my favorites, it says "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." It goes on to say that it is the "peace that was meant to be".  If we were intended to walk in peace, why are there so many people out there who are void of it?  You must choose to walk in peace, as the song says you need to make a solum vow, a daily choice to either accept peace in your life or be adrift without it.  What are you going to choose?

My wish for each of you this Christmas Season is that you discover the peace in your life and through this discovery you are able to share this peace with others around you.  If you can help one other person to walk in peace and they do the same thing, there will be an avalanche of peace that will sweep across this planet and some of the trouble many countries are going through at the moment will be a thing of the past.  Every single movement the world has ever seen has begun with the idea or desire of a single person.  If we can spread peace, after understanding it for ourselves first, then we can change the face of this planet.  If on the other hand you decide that peace is not for you, that you desire to continue on the path you are on right now, then peace will only be a "what could have been".

Every day we are bombarded with images and news from around the world of things that are anything but peace.  Many people have accepted this as the norm, and they feel powerless to change it.  You have the ability to change this, but you must first change it in your own life.  Can you imagine a world full of peace?  Can you imagine your own life that is full of peace?  If you are longing for peace, then might I suggest you begin by claiming what is yours.  You are peace, you are joy, and you are happiness.  I will tell you that the moment you are able to accept this for yourself, then the rest of the world will change before your very eyes.

It is time to let there be peace on earth and it is time to let it begin with you.  It is time to bring harmony to your life and in doing so begin to bring it to the rest of humanity.  The only reason this will not work is because you have chosen not to accept peace for yourself.  Do not throw away the one thing you were intended to have.  Peace is wonderful, it is necessary, and it is for you.  I encourage you to begin to stake claim to peace by staking claim to it for yourself first.  You are peace, you are joy, and you are happiness.  It is right in front of you now, all you need to do is pick it up.  I pray blessings over you and I long to see the peace that will overtake you if you allow it.

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