Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What a discovery!
As a child we would dream of finding that elusive treasure map and then set out on a journey to uncover the buried treasure.  Mounds of jewels, gold coins, pearls and precious stones.  Certainly there would be obstacles in our way, but by god we were going to find this stuff, the stuff that dreams are made of.

As an adult we continue to hunt for the treasure map in the hopes of uncovering our own booty.  Problem is, our treasure map has always been there, we just haven't recognized it, nor have we followed it to the desired end.

Well that all stops today.  Today you will discover your own treasure and it will be grander than anything you could have imagined. Today you will uncover truths, that up until now have been hidden away.  The journey to your treasure trove is about to begin, so get prepared to discover things that have been buried for years and years.

Funny thing about treasure maps:  they show you all the traps, all the dangers, but they don't really tell you how to avoid them, or how to get by them.  Maybe that's why so many people just give up and never discover the treasure that awaits them.  Well today you get the opportunity to learn how to avoid all the traps and dangers, and together we will uncover what is ours, what has always been ours, and what will always be ours.

OK, first things first:  what is it that you desire right now?  What is the one thing you would give almost anything to have?  There are some who would say they want riches.  Others desire all the comforts that unlimited money would provide them.  To others they simply want a life that is free from stress, free from conflict, and have the freedom to pursue those things that truly mean everything to them.  If you are unable to describe the things you desire then even having the map to your treasure isn't going to help you obtain those things you truly want.  I've known so many people who are unable to voice their desires simply because they have been conditioned to believe that they don't deserve to have them.  If there is a desire to have something, then there is a reason you have this desire.  If you have a desire then I suggest you go after it and don't stop until you get it.

When I set out to write my first book I wanted to produce a work that would help others discover their purpose in life.  My treasure was helping others unlock their treasure.  Let me say this, if you do not know that you are deserving of having the desires of your heart, then there's not a map in the world that will be detailed enough to get you to your treasure.  Having a knowledge, a belief,  that you deserve the best in life is the first step in obtaining those things.  Did you hear that?  If you are constantly being buffeted by thoughts of not being good enough, not being deserving, then I could take you by the hand, unlock the treasure chest and hand you it's contents, and you still would be unable to accept the riches that are yours.

We have let society dictate what we can have, who we are, and what we can do, and that has done nothing to benefit us.  You are not here on this planet simply to take up space.  You have a calling and walking in that calling is what will unlock your treasure.  Do you feel that you are deserving of having the desires of your heart?  Have you let others rob you of the blessing of knowing you are just as you need to be?  Have you bought into the misnomer that somehow only select people in this world will get what they want and the others will just be trying to pick up the scraps that are left behind?  Let me let you in on a little secret:  you are good enough, and what others may say or think means nothing.  Until such time as you can recognize your own divinity, until you understand that there is nothing you have to do to obtain the blessings of life, until you accept that you are good enough, no map in the world will be any good.

Discovering your perfection is what will unlock your treasure box.  Accepting your perfection is what will uncover vast riches.  There was a time when I felt lower than low.  I knew that I would never have the things I wanted in life.  I could have pushed and prodded my way through life and I still would have been left holding an empty bag.  This is what I had started to believe, and when you believe that you won't have anything I can assure you that you will succeed in that endeavor.  I had to come to an understanding, I had to discover who I was, what I was, and why I was here.  It is time to throw any notion out the window that you are somehow not worthy of the riches of life.  It is time to stop believing what others have said and believe in those things that bring you peace, happiness, and joy.  When you feel peace, happiness, and joy, then you will have it.  When you allow yourself to hold on to the images that man says is normal, then you relegate yourself to those things that man says you can have, and only those things that man says you can have. I for one am not eager to pick up the ideas and thoughts of man because quite frankly they have done nothing for me thus far and will not do anything for me in the future.

It is time to discover your greatness, your beauty, and your uniqueness.  It is time to take your treasure map and finally locate that treasure that has been inside of you all the time.  All you need to do now is unlock who you really are and begin to walk in those things that have always been there for you to walk in.  You can do this, and they is nothing that can stop you now.

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