Monday, December 8, 2014

Have I told you lately how incredible you are?

It's always nice to be recognized. It's always nice to be appreciated.  It's always nice to know that you have done something remarkable and that others are also aware of your great feats.  The question I have for you this morning is this:  how are you feeling about yourself when all the words of praise or the accolades are no longer coming from others?  What happens when all the recognition is gone, there is no appreciation and others have stopped talking about you?  How are you feeling about yourself in this moment?

I am here to tell you that without regard to what others may say or think about you, you are in fact an incredible person, and you need to know this like you know the back of your hand.  There may come a time when you are no longer going to be the top dog, the one who comes in first place, or the one who fills the stands with screaming, adoring fans.  It is in that moment when all the banter stops, when all the hoopla goes away, that you will be faced with your real identity.  What I want you to see today is that your identity needs to be one of incredible and remarkable things, because you are indeed incredible and remarkable.

The title to today's blog, "Have I told you lately how incredible you are?" is not me saying it to you, but you saying it to you.  How often do you remind yourself how incredible you are.  Some have an issue with this as though what they are saying or thinking is somehow conceit.  Is it conceit to recognize something good?  Is it conceit to appreciate something of value and worth?  Is it conceit to accept truth?  We have allowed man to tell us that we ought naught think more highly of ourselves, for to some we might appear arrogant or cocky.  I can assure you that anyone that would label you as arrogant or cocky because you know who you truly are, are the same people who haven't a clue as to their true identity or how incredible they are.  I get up each morning thankful that I am here right now, and that I am who I am.  I know the gifts inside of me.  I know the road I am on and the lives I will touch.  I know that I am right where I need to be, doing what I need to be doing.  I know that I am unique and in that uniqueness I am totally awesome.  I love that I can say these things and still be able to get my head through the door.  I don't say these things out of some sort of pride or ego trip.  I say these things because that is what I have come to know, that is what I chose to focus on.

Let me ask you a question:  if you have done something that you consider great and no one is around to see it, or recognize the greatness, do you still feel as though you have accomplished something great?  It's OK if you feel this way, I certainly have in the past.  We often work hard, put in extra time, and certainly it would be nice to be appreciated for our efforts.  But, were you doing it for the reward, or were you doing it because it was the right thing to do?  Once again, no worries if you were doing it for the rewards, but can there ever be enough words of praise from others?  I mean there will come a time when the praise stops, when the cheers are no longer heard, what will you do then?

You must accept the fact that you, in and of itself, are incredible.  If you never accomplish anything in your life, you are still incredible.  If you simply go thought life and never do anything remarkable or even note worthy, you are still incredible.  If all you do is take up space on the planet for an unknown amount of years, you are still incredible.  I know that so many people will not be able to accept this.  They have based their entire life on what the world says is success.  The biggest house, the fanciest car, the most money.  If you have been recognized with awards, if you have had buildings or streets named after you, then you have been successful.  If you follow this thought what does that say to the little gray haired grandmother who wants nothing more then to display love in all she does and to all she comes in contact with?  Is she not successful?

Trust me the day will come when you will have to make a decision.  The day will come when you will be forced to look at yourself and without exception have to answer: Are you incredible or are you just plain lucky? I know who and what I am.  I don't need accolades or streets named after me. All I need is to remind myself daily that I am divine, that I am a creation that was brought here because of love, and that there is nothing in this world that will separate me from the love that created me.

You might find yourself in situations that are contrary to what you know, situations that are less then stellar.  These situations do not and should not dictate how you see yourself.  It is time that you really hold fast to these words of encouragement: you are incredible and its not because of what you do, but rather what you are.  So today I choose to tell myself how incredible I am.  I choose to believe how incredible I am, and I will allow others to see how incredible I am.  If you can say this as well, and live it also, then you will be one who can help others achieve it as well.  I am so thankful that you know now who and what you are, because there are tons of people out there who need to know the same thing.   Go and tell your story, and help them tell theirs.  You are incredible and it's time for others to recognize this as well.

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